Chapter 781: Enough Misunderstanding

Every time Ian's eyes rested on Mina it was like the first time he was seeing her. She was so incredibly beautiful to him that it made him nervous. He was aware that he slightly aged in the time she was gone, his features becoming harder due to the stress of loss, and the anxiety of uncertainty. Likewise, Mina matured in appearance, but she still appeared younger than her age. It was especially obvious when she was in a group of people close to them because instead of looking like his fiancé, she looked more like his little sister's friend. Even now, wearing a full coverage dress, Ian was extremely taken by Mina's appearance, and he hoped to convince her to skip the event and go home with him instead. 

"Are you sure we have to go?" Ian asked, pressing a kiss to Mina's hand in an exaggerated manner that made her blush.