Chapter 812: Smile

Mina felt like she now understood why Ian was acting so strangely during the day. He had actually organized a party to celebrate their last moments as singles, and not only had he invited their family members, but he also invited all their friends to take part. She was excited to see everyone, especially those who she had not seen since she lost her memories, but the most special was Willow who was expecting a baby. The woman was not as fortunate as Olivia, and despite not being far along, her belly was prominent, making her walk funny. 

Mina could not help but to laugh and smile with everyone, feeling as though she were in one of the best dreams of her life. Friendships she believed were ruined were suddenly falling back into place, and for that, she had her fiancé to thank. The evening was so enjoyable that Mina did not want it to end, but time had no emotion, and it passed by without regard for her wishes.