Chapter 827: Insecurities

Ian did not think it possible, but Mina was back to herself within a few weeks of finding out she was six-weeks pregnant. Even before then, she would sense herself becoming moody, and warn Ian beforehand, making him smile with a simple 'am I being irrational?' anytime she was unsure if a behavior or action warranted her strong emotion. True to her word, Mina refrained from over-working by turning things over to him and telling him how she wanted them handled, and he avoided having her go crazy with boredom by assigning her tasks within his company that he knew would be child's play for her to complete. She would sit in his office, humming and giggling at some of the things she found 'backward' or 'unsustainable,' and with the assistance of Zane, she implemented many changes Ian did not think were necessary until he started to see actual improvement in workflow.