Chapter 840: Promise?

Mina knew better than to seek Leal out because she was certain that her husband would treat the man as an extension of his brother. To make up for it, she allowed Ian to do whatever he wanted to Joseph Karm, who sold their wedding invitation, regardless of his belief. From that day, her husband had been trying to massage and kiss her in to giving him information about her friend, and while it was tempting, it felt better to hold out, so she did. 

"Can you at least describe him to me?" Ian asked, rubbing his wife's visibly swollen belly with some oils he purchased to keep her skin from becoming dry and itchy. Based on Drax's advice, the sooner they addressed the issue, the less of a problem it became. 

"I told you, he has brown skin and dark hair."

"So does Oric Lamar; so, you aren't telling me anything."