Chapter 842: Courses

Ian watched in horror as the car his wife was in swerved and rolled into a ditch, nearly killing him with thoughts of the worst. He did not care about oncoming traffic or anything else, so he jumped out of his car to rush to his wife's aid, hoping that she was uninjured. The car she was in was not traveling at a high speed because Ian had the traffic stalled ahead of them, but rolling into a ditch was not something he expected to happen, and tears flowed freely from his eyes as he approached.

The way the wrecked vehicle was angled meant that Ian could open and look into the passenger side as though he was looking down a barrel. He spotted his wife huddled into a ball against the opposite door, covered in blood he hoped was not hers. He called out her name, making the woman flinch before she looked up at him, unable to get the weight of the person over her off her body, but other than appearing scared, she looked fine.

"Can you move?"