Chapter 846: Forever

Mina thought that she could be petty, but Cylus was calibers above her. The man had an exquisite dinner table brought into his photography studio, complete with backdrops that made it appear as though she were genuinely at a restaurant. Because she was hungry, her maybe brother actually ordered her food, but instead of serving it out of takeaway containers, they had it plated on upscale porcelain plates, and served it beside what appeared to be wine, but it was actually pomegranate juice. 

To complete the look, Cylus took pictures from his cell phone and sent them to Mina, who posted them from an unregistered and unlinked social media account. They both knew enough about her husband and his family to know that as soon as the images were posted, they would be taken down, and just as they predicted, President Lee called Mina's phone within seconds of the post being removed for 'inappropriate content.'