Chapter 869: Worse

Cylus' words repeated in Mina's mind, and when she got to the mediation center, she resolved to go easy on Ian, as long as he did not try to manipulate her into staying with him. Sadly, one of the very first questions her husband asked made her think that he would never change. It also showed her that, whether male or female, the general consensus among citizens of Pan was that women were the lesser of the sexes, and yet, they were seen as responsible for keeping a marriage together. That logic permeated through the entire elimination process, and before Mina knew it, she had gone through all of her strikes, leaving her husband to choose whoever he wanted. She spoke no words as she left, but Ian chased after her, tapping her shoulder to get her attention.

"Where is our baby?"

"Safe," Mina replied.

"You always say that, but I haven't seen her, and for all I know she could be-"

"Dead?" Mina questioned. "Don't worry about that. I'm nothing like you."