Chapter 878: What would you do?

Linus knew that his lies would eventually catch up to him, but he did not realize how many were going to confront him all at once. As though the universe itself had turned its back on him, it was revealed that Linette, his niece, was actually his biological daughter, that his wife's sister regularly committed insurance fraud using the hospital his wife managed, and that the business that he started with the money he swindled from the Lee family had been seized for tax evasion. 

He never declared the amount of money he received for the 'second' sale of the same home on his taxes, so there he stood, watching auditors rummage through his belongings, marking items and tagging documents that would ultimately become his undoing. 

He was completely convinced that he would spend the rest of his life in jail, but he had David, who was kind to a fault, and Mina who was not only powerful in her own name, but also a member of the Lee family through marriage.