Chapter 5- The first round

When everyone heard the word "fight" the arena became an all-out battlefield, with swords, and clubs swinging and smashing, and balls of fire, and boulders being hurled. Keit noticed Leon Jumping into air and then diving down and slashing opponents with his sword, and he noticed Ren, fighting with a dagger in one hand, jumping to and from opponent, slashing and hitting each one, quick and agile, Keit then noticed several opponents coming at him, in which he unleashed a huge force of wind, sending everyone flying back, and gathering others attention. Keit, Ren, and Leon, continued to battle, and soon there was only eight left conscious and standing in the ring, Keit, Leon, Ren, a man with a club and shield, another with a mace, a boy that appeared to be around Keit's age wielding a sword, an elf using a bow, and a woman with large golden gauntlets. These were the warriors that would move on to the next round. The tournament bracket was released the following day, and it started the day after.