Chapter 9- The Finals

In the last match of the semi-finals, Leon had fought Arthur, and lost, both the match, and his left arm, luckily the doctor was able to replace it with a metal one, although, it still wouldn't suffice for Leon in the future, but it would work for the present, Leon then left to watch the very final match. the one between Keit and Arthur, the crowd was ecstatic, for everyone had been anticipating this match. When the match begun, the air was cold and still, the crowd silent, the fighters still, like time had froze, but then suddenly sparks had been flying, lightning, but no one was able to see the components, just streaks of blue and purple lightning clashing, the silence had now broke, and the cheering so loud, one would be able to hear it from across the country. Neither Keit or Arthur stopped, the non-stop clashing had gone on for more than 10 minutes now, and the crowd had suddenly become dull, waiting for one to become a victor, and in that moment, the clashing had suddenly stopped, with Keit and Arthur at opposite sides of the arena, the had grown still and cold once more, and then, a flash, and an explosion, Ren and Leon stood in the crowd next to each other, shocked. The shock wave was enough to knock someone down, Leon and Ren had looked and seen there mana surrounding them, and clashing with each others, they were now even more surprised. The air had now gone from still to ecstatic, and hot. Keit was staring at Arthur, and he was staring at Keit. Both were ready for another round of clashing, and suddenly darted at each other, destroying the ground beneath their very feet, and shaking the entire arena. Soon the arena was starting to be evacuated, for it was crumbling from the hands of two young boys in a fierce battle, and eventually, the only ones watching, were Leon, Ren, the doctor, and the king himself. Eventually the fight had just ended. No one was watching, The arena was destroyed, and both boys were completely exhausted. Leon and Arthur had carried Keit out, while the Doctor carried the boy out. The match had finally ended