
Waking up in the morning was never the best thing to do especially if you are surrounded by people who aren't allowed to be together. It hurts knowing that your father has another family, a legal one.

My father got married to a different woman before he met my mom. I know that I have a half brother but the family I am living in is a secret. A secret that was made when I came in this world. Making me unknown to the other family. A secret that no one should know how I was made. A secret that no one should know that my mother is a mistress. A secret that no one should know that my father has a different family. A secret that proves I am a mistake, a big one.

But the hell I care about those shitty secrets. I can expose them anytime, anywhere, without caring about the world's judgement.

I got up from bed and prepared for school. I went down the stairs and found my mom sitting in the chair of a long ass dining table for 12 of which only few eats there.

"Good morning, mom" I greeted as I kissed her cheek. She looked at me and smiled sweetly.

"Are you going to school already? Come eat breakfast with me for a while." She offered while patting the chair beside her.

"Well... As much as I want to, I really can't. Jennie's waiting for me already and is flooding me with text messages, telling me to come this instant. And you know her, unpatient." I said making her slowly lose her smile but still managed to show a bit.

"How about dinner?. You can bring the girls if they like"

"Okay. We'll have Dinner later." I said making her gain back the smile she had before. She stared at me for a long time without losing her smile. A long silence was heard before I imagined the girl waiting for me in the room, looking pisses as fuck for making her wait that long.

"I'll go now before Jennie kills me" I spoke making her laugh a bit.

"Okay, be careful. Take care." She said before I kissed her cheeks once again and pulling her in a warm hug.


"Oh, and visitors will be here later. Don't be surprised when you see someon unfamiliar. You can just eat at the table in the pool area with the girls"


I went out if the big ass house or mansion if you call it. My mother is rich as fuck. Her wealth came from the old days and my father has his own company in Busan. Which was useless for me because he doesn't use his money in this family but for the first one.

Shitty, Right?

"Good Morning, Miss Lalisa!" George, our driver, greeted as he opened the Black Bugatti Veyron car door.

"Good Morning" I greeted back flatly and entered the back seat as he went to the driver's seat to drive me to school.

We arrived school and the first that caught my attention was Jennie's deadly glare that could burn anyone who dares to look at it. But me being me, just smiled at her innocently.

"You made me wait" Jennie said making me shrug my shoulders and sat at the chaid beside her seat.

"You made me rush" Lisa defensed making the other roll her eyes.

"Atleast you're better than those two. I, Jennie Kim, The early bird, are friends with Chaeyoung Park and Jisoo Kim, The late ones, and Lalisa Manoban, The inbetween." Jennie explained making the younger laugh. What she said was true. A moment later, the professor came in making me shut up.

Mr. Choi started checking everyone's attendance and as expected, Jisoo and Chaeng was late, as always.

The two sat on the other chairs beside them and paid attention to the discussion.

The four of us are luckily in the same schedule on the first class only and the rest are on your own. There are a few classes in which one of them gets to be with me.

The discussion ended and I was about to head to my other class when someone blocked my way.

"Hey, Princess."

I sighed tiredly and looked up to see the person. Just by the sound of its deep voice, I could already recognize who he was. And as expected, Taehyung Kim. One of the most famous, handsome, and of course rich, boys in school. Who was rumored to be liking me, and here he is, pissing the hell out of me. A little bit more and Im gonna explode.

"For the millionth time, stop calling me princess"  I answered in a heavy tone. He just chuckled and smirked.

"Oh... I always forget. It always slips in my mouth, Prin- I mean Lalisa." He teased and chuckled afterwards sounding like a kid with a tone of an old man.

I gave him a glare with a blank face. Slowly losing my patience.

"I'm sorry but you're being a waste of my time. I'm late for class." I reasoned out. He showed me his boxy smile.

Yeah, he's cute, but there are reasons why I don't like him.

"Oh okay. Want me to bring you there?" He asked and as always...


I walked past him, not even bothering to look back. I closes my eyes to calm my ass down when I got hit with someone. My things fell out of my bag making me lose my temper.

"What the-" I wanted to curse out loud but knowing that there are teachers around us, I cut my sentence and grunted instead.

I looked up to see who hit me, and to my unsurprised self, it was the infamous, Jungkook Jeon. His eyes we're settled on mine with a shocked expression on his face.


Before I could say anything, Taehyung's loud voice echoed through the halls while running footsteps we're going near us.

He reached our spot and immediately picked my things up. Jungkook recovered from his state and helped Taehyung with what he was doing. They gave me my things and I placed it back in my bag with irritation.

"I'm sorry for that. I'm just gonna go." Jungkook apologized awkwardly and ran away. I caught Taehyung's glare towards him and faced me like nothing happened.

"I'll just go with you to your room" He offered but I stayed silent. I head to my next class with Taehyung following me silently.

As soon as I entered, whispers we're heard all around.

"It's obvious that Taehyung likes her"

"Yeah, I know. Only a bitch like her ignores a man like him."

"Earlier, she bumped into Jungkook, Taehyung arrived and both of them helped her pick her things. Taehyung even came with her here."

Yes, news travels fast around here.

"It's either she's playing hard to get  to Taehyung or she likes both of them."

"I bet she's a gold digger"

Gold digger my ass. In fact, they're the gold diggers her. They just can't accept that the one and only Taehyung likes me.

I faked a cough to get their attention, and once I knew their eyes are on me, I raised one of my brows and rolled my eyes.

"Oh, and, If ever you talk about someone, make sure to lower you voice or else others might hear your disgusting shit." I added making them shut completely. I had the guts to curse since no teacher was around, only dimwits. I rolled my eyes once again and searched for my phone on my purse.


My phone's not here. I searched more but to my luck, it wasn't there.

I probably just left it or misplaced it somewhere.

I gave up on finding it and leaned on my chair to take a rest. I'll just find it when I get back home.

Morning classes ended and Lunch break was occuring. I sat on my usual spot together with the girls.

"You weren't replying on my messages" Jennie said while munching on her lunch.

"I left my phone" I answered short and honestly.

"So, I've heard..." Jisoo said trailing off as her eyes landed on me.

"You bumped into Jungkook and you let Taehyung to go with you to your room." Jisoo added.

"So what?" I asked, her expression became darker and surprised.

"So what?!, You never got hit with anyone and you never allowed Taehyung to bring you to your room!" She explained with a slam on the table, making other students' look at us.

This drama queen is really...

"Chill, you're just over reacting. I was closing my eyes after that situation with Taehyung to calm myself. I didn't notice Jungkook was there so I got hit. I also didn't allow Taehyung to bring me there. I stayed silent and he just followed me." I explained making her calm a bit.

"Silence means Yes" Chaeyoung said with a sweet smile on her lips. She continued munching like a chipmunk like it wasn't a big deal.

Because it isn't a big deal.

"Mom's inviting you to eat dinner in our house. Not together on the dining table but we'll be eating by the pool are since visitors are coming and we don't want to disturb."

"I'm free" Jennie said. Chaeng and Jisoo looked at each other and nodded afterwards.

They're coming

"We're also free"


All my classes ended and I went back to my house. The girls will be there sooner. I looked for my mom but she was nowhere to be found so I decided to change my clothes first.

I also tried to look for my phone but it wasn't there. I guess I'll have to buy another one. I laid on my bed for a bit and looked at my window where cars were arriving. I head down to the dining room where I suppose my mom and her visitors will be to tell them that the girls are here.

I reached the spot and stopped on my tracks when I saw someone familiar who I had a scene with earlier. Jungkook Jeon with to older people who I assume are his parents.

"Mom" I greeted my mom while kissing her cheek without taking my eyes of Jungkook who now had a confused expression on his face. Mom had a bright smile when she looked at me.

"Lisa, you're back. Where's the girls?" My mom asked while looking at my back to find them but she looked at me again.

"I was just gonna tell you that they're he-" "Good evening, Auntie"

Chaeng's thin voice roared in the room. I looked at them who has the same confused expression when they also saw Jungkook. They're brows furrowed making my mom notice.

"What's with thay expression towards Jungkook" Mom asked whick made us silent until Jennie decided to speak.

"Jungkook's our classmate, actually."

"Well, that's great. Since you know each other, join us here." The mid 40's lady beside Jungkook offered.

"We're not that close" Chaeng said.

"Then it's an opportunity to get close." The man spoke. We all nodded and sat beside them.

"Lisa, I have been calling you a lot of times. Why didn't you answer?" Mom asked. She probably called me to ask if the girls we're coming.

"I forgot where I placed my phone. I'll find it later." I said, she nodded and continued talking to the visitors, except Jungkook who kept silent, same with the girls and me.

Dinner ended and we we're chilling inside my room until the girls bombarded me with questions.

"He's one of your visitors?"

"Why didn't you tell us that Jungkook will be here?"

"What are they doing here?"

"I had no Idea that he would be here. They're probably just mom's new clients, I dont know" I answered which made them all shut up.

"Did you find your phone?" Jennie asked, changing the topic. I sighed.

"I lost it. I'll buy another one tomorrow simce if I still don't find it" I said, she nodded in return and everyone became quiet for a quite long time.

A few knocks on the door caught all our attention. I stood up my bed and opened it. Jungkook was standing there, looking uneasy.

A minute later and he was standing still, until he handed me something that made me furrow my brows.

"Your phone..."