"Thank god. I thought you would abandon me once you saw your old friend. But my boss is always the best." Liam was a lonely child who grew in an orphanage, his whole life being sponsored by someone who is not his family. Hope was the only one he has close to a family as she never looked down on him when he told her about his background.

"Stopping being childish Liam. And don't call me boss when we are alone. I'm your boss only in the company, outside the company just call me by my name."

"Old habits die hard. Now where are we going for dinner? I'm super hungry now."

"I have two places in my mind. You have to choose one. The first one is a highly popular 5 star Michelle restaurant and the other one is a low-key diner that I used to frequent in my school days. Both serve good food. Which one do you prefer?"

"Do you have to ask me. Of course, I choose the second one. We can visit an expensive hotel whenever we want but the one with memories will not only fill our stomach but also our heart. So, lets go and have our heartfelt dinner from your favourite restaurant"

They took a taxi and went to the restaurant. After having their dinner, they came back to the hotel.


"hmmm … what?"

"didn't you say you already own a house here. then why are we staying in a hotel?" he asked the question that has been in his mind since they arrived here.

"I just need some time to process. I still haven't decided whether to stay here or leave after sorting the problems in the company. If I decide to stay then we can go there otherwise I don't want to go there. I have a lot of memories there so unless I'm staying, I don't want to be reminded of the past"

She has been living separately from her family since she was 12 years old in a big villa. She has a dozen servants at her call but not a single one that she can call a family. Thus she started to live with her friends Alaric and Emma after she turned 14 until she disappeared one day. She still did not have the courage to visit that villa again.

"sorry boss. I shouldn't have asked that question."

"It's okay. You can go to your room. Wake me up early in morning. We have a lot more important things to discuss in tomorrow's meeting."

"okay boss. Good night "


The next day morning.

Even though Hope was the founder and president of the Starlight entertainments she hates unnecessary attention.

Thus, apart from the board members and few employees, the outside world has no idea about the president of the company who is rumoured to be the best when it comes to taking care of their employees and known for his strict and ruthlessness when it comes to work.

Everyone thought the Boss is a male and no one even imagined a woman to be their boss.

This is the first time Hope visiting the headquarters. She has always been taking care of things back from America. So, no one in the headquarters knows anything about their boss except that he is kind and at the same time never compromise in his work. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the arrival of their boss.

A low-key BMW stops in front of the company and Hope with his assistant Liam gets down from the car. She was wearing a casual white t-shirt with blue jeans and carrying a Gucci bag. She looks more like a college student in her early twenties with extraordinary looks even with a very casual clothing. Employees thought that she was just a college student trying for an audition held in their company for rookie models.

That's when Mr.Paul, director of the PR department came running and handed over a flower bouquet to the young girl and greeted her very respectfully.

Everyone around there was confused as the director was a very rude and straight forward person and he who never speaks more than a few words unless until necessary, was now speaking very respectfully that to a young girl who is barely in her early twenties.

The employees were murmuring among themselves. To stop them from displeasing their boss, Paul clears his throat and introduced Hope to the others.

"Everyone. This is Ms.Hope. she is the founder and president of our company. She used to manage everything from America so most of you won't be familiar with her. She will be working in the headquarters from now on wards."

All were just confused to accept that this young girl was the boss who was rumoured to be very ruthless when it comes to work.

That's when Hope spoke. "Good morning everyone. I am Hope. I don't want to disrupt your work for long. Just carry on with your works and everyone can leave work an hour earlier today. I have arranged for a company dinner in the B&N restaurant nearby our office. Make sure to come and we can catch up there. Now you can go to your workstations and continue work. If you have anything else to discuss feel free to come to my cabin"

She just spoke with a beautiful smile in her face and soon after left with Liam and the director to her cabin.