Emma was about to completely lose her mind from listening to her. When she was about to say something to her again Ric stopped her and literally dragged her away.

"Leave me Ric. What are you doing? I'm just going to kill that bitch."

"Enough Emma, we came here for fun and I don't even like that suit that much. I don't want to spoil my mood for some idiot. So, let's stop this here. Please."

"But she…" Emma was interrupted by Ric "please for me. Let's ignore her."

Hope was surprising very calm and didn't say even a word. She just asked a staff to bring different a suit that she saw a while ago, "Ric try this."


"yes now. Why you don't like the suit I choose?"

"I didn't mean like that. Wait here. I will go try it."

Ric went into the trial room to change into the suit. And the two girls sat in the sofa to wait for him. Emma was a bit disappointed and surprised because the Hope she knew would never allow others to belittle her friends but strangely now she didn't even say a word. She thought that maybe she has changed but she didn't say anything to Hope as she was afraid of hurting her.

When they were waiting for Ric, the sales staff that was helping Ric from before came and apologized. "I'm sorry madam. It's my fault. Please forgive the way the other customer was behaving. It's just that she is the cousin of the store's manager and I cannot offend her. I know that it's not fair but can you please let this go. I cannot afford to lose this job."

The girl was very pitiful and was ready to get scolded by Hope. Emma was about to say something but Hope stopped her and just smiled at the sales girl. "It's okay. You don't have to apologize. It was not your fault." The girl was a little bit surprised and thanked her for being considerate.

After a few minutes Ric came out of the room in the suit Hope choose for him. The sales staff and everyone around were awestruck as it looked as if the suit was tailored for him. He was 180cm tall and was fit with strong muscles which made him look like the models in advertisement.

Even the girl who just now bullied Ric was also dumbstruck by his appearance.

"Not bad… the colour suits you well. Do you like it Emma?" Hope asked Emma for her opinion.

"hmmm hmmm" Emma said disinterested as she was still upset about the earlier happenings.

"okay then we will take this one." Hope asked the staff to pack while Ric went to change into his old clothes.

The staff came to Hope and asked politely "madam do you need to see anything else or should I bill it?"

"I'll look around and if I see anything to my liking then I'll notify you." said Hope.

Meanwhile Ric also came out in his previous casual clothes. Then they started to look around the store. When the other girl was about to reach for a silver evening gown in the lady's section, "I want that gown, please pack that one" Hope said from behind her to the staff near her.

The girl was about to say something but her boyfriend who was accompanying her just stopped her and asked to look for another dress.

Again, when the girl was about to reach a knee length red colour off shoulder dress, Hope asked the staff to pack that dress for her. The girl was annoyed "why are picking the same dress that I choose? Can you even afford those dresses?"

"I'm just picking the dresses I like. You don't have to worry whether I can afford it or not." Replied Hope