Then they both talked about various topics for a while. Then her grandmother again brought back the topic that Hope tried hard to divert, "Okay now tell honestly why are following that boy? Do you like him? Should I talk to his family?"

"Granny, I was just curious about him. Nothing else is there between us" she brushed topic lightly.

"Then why are you helping him to get that actor's role and even investigated his background" she hit the nail on its head.

Hope was silent for a while and replied her back, "Its just to pay him back for helping me"

"So, you helped him but didn't reveal your identity only to pay him back for his help" she kept preying her.

Hope finally gave up and said "Fine, I'm just interested in him and I don't even know how far this would go. So, don't do anything and let things happen naturally."

"Okay, I won't interfere. But be careful and think twice before you do anything. don't let the past repeat again. I don't want to see you get hurt" she advised her granddaughter.

As her past was mentioned Hope remained silent and images of her first love came before her eyes.

Back in those days, she was so happy dating Shawn. He was a senior in her school. They both were always together and were a famous couple in school.

Shawn's father's business failed and they were bankrupt. They were trying very hard to make ends meet. So Shawn was doing several part time jobs to pay for school tuition.

Hope was from a wealthy family still she also went to all the part time jobs that Shawn took to spend more time with him and gave all the money she earned to him to help him.

She always pays for everything he does. When he casually told her about his liking for football sport. She made her granny arrange for a private coach for him to practice.

After almost a year of dating on Hope's birthday, she bought VIP tickets to his favourite football match and decided to confess her love for him after the match.

She tried calling him but he didn't accept her calls. So she thought 'maybe he was in practice. Let me go and look at the football court'

Just like she guessed he was there not practising but talking to one of his friends. "Shawn, isn't it Hope's birthday today? What present did you got for her?" his friend asked casually.

"I didn't buy anything for her. but I'm sure she would have got something for me" Shawn replied jokingly.

At first she didn't notice anything suspicious as it is true that she is the one always buying presents and he hasn't even bought her a chocolate. She also never expected anything for him as she know that he is financially struggling.

"Yes, that's true. She is one innocent and honest girl. You should be lucky to have her as your girlfriend" his friend said. Hearing the praises, she decided to move away from them as was embarrassed to hear him praise her.

When took a step away she hear Shawn Laugh and say " Innocent my ass. Of course she has to spend some money to have someone as handsome as me as their boyfriend. Otherwise who would be with her considering her temper and extreme expectations"

She stood there rooted as if she was frozen. She couldn't believe her ears. She wanted to move away from there before hearing anything worse than this but her legs didn't help her.

Shawn and his friend kept talking. His was also as much shocked as she was. Thus he again asked him to clear his doubts, "what ?? Are saying that you are with only because of his money?"

"Ofcourse yes. Even she knows that fact. Do you think she really cares about me. She is just doing all this to show off her wealth and to make herself look like a generous person" he said laughing which hurt her even more.

"No Shawn. I think you are mistaken. As far as I know she loves you. that's why she is trying to support in everything. If you don't love her just let her go. Its wont be good if she knows about this" his friend tried to make some sense into him but Shawn was unmoved.

He even said , "even if she is here hearing me she wont leave me. Because then she wont get to show of her wealth…."

When he was about to say something else, Hope came before him and stood there for a while.