He did as he was told. After a few rings, the person picked his call.

"Hello who's this"

"Hello, I am Liam from Starlight Entertainments. Our president asked if she can talk with President Daniel now."

The person on the other side of the call was literally surprised that someone has the guts to just call him suddenly and asks to talk with his boss. Without showing his irritation in his voice, he replied. "Sorry Mr. Liam, our boss doesn't talk business in phone. Please make an appointment and meet him in his office."

As he already expected this reply, he turned to his boss who gestured for him to turn the speaker on and she spoke. "Just shut the f**k up and put Dani on the phone if you don't want to lose your job" she said not wanting to waste her time anymore.

Everyone present in the room including the person on the other side of the call were shocked to hear the way she spoke. They can sense her anger. Still were also afraid of what the president of Essence would do to them for their unprofessional behavior and she even used called him by his name in a very intimate way and threatened to fire his subordinate.

Perplexed by her words, the assistant of the President of Essence stood rooted to the spot without speaking a word. Daniel, the president of Essence noticed his Assistant talking on the phone instead of preparing the materials he instructed. "Do you want to search for a new job, what are you doing there in the middle of work?"

Hearing his boss's angry voice, he contemplated whether to give him the phone or not and finally mustered up courage. "Boss the president of Starlight Entertainment is on the phone, she says she wants to talk to you"

He immediately stood up from his seat and rushed towards his assistant and snatched the phone from his hand and moved it towards his ear. The assistant was scared to death by his boss's action.

"How dare you call me now?"

Everyone in the room thought that their boss has angered the president of Essence and made the problem worse. But the expression on Hope's face changed from anger to a mischievous smile. "Dani, you can fight with me all you want when we meet. Now I need a favor from you."

Sensing the sincerity in her tone, he calmed down, "what do you want" he asked in a composed manner.

"I want to suggest someone else for the endorsement of Essence instead of Robert because... "

He interrupted her before she could finish her sentence, "Cut the crap. you can select anyone you like and just send the contract to my office but on one condition. Cook for me tomorrow" he said with a serious expression in his face.

She already know that he would accept her request as he has never said no to her in the past seven years she has known him. She just did it for her employees to see her influence.

"Deal, but I am busy tomorrow. How about Saturday?"

"Okay" he replied with a single word.

" Okay Dani. I lost your personal number so send your contact to this number and I will call you later" She then hung up the call after hearing his confirmation.

Daniel, the President of Essence is the only person Hope was in contact during her those seven years she spent in America. If not for him, she would have died seven years ago. He not only saved her from a dangerous place, he also spent 6 months of his time to help Hope came out of her trauma from that incident. He used to visit her often and always hid some people trailing her to protect her. He took care of her like his own little sister and has never rejected any of her request. The reason for his anger is because she has not contacted him or visited him even after a month of her arrival to the country.

There was complete silence in the room. Even Leo who was confident about Hope was dumbfounded. He never thought she would directly call the president of Essence and ask him to change the representative. what's even more shocking is the fact that the President of Essence accepted it without even knowing the details not even his name or the reason for the change.

She then returned the phone to Liam who was the least surprised person in the room as he has already witnessed many scenes like this in the past.

She turned to Robert who was sitting there completely lost in his thoughts. "you can leave now. The company will sue you for backing out from the endorsement and other works aside from the cancellation fee for breaking the contract before the due period. I'm not running this company depending on just one actor. I can make or break anyone in this industry"

Then she pointed out the person who kept on irritating her through out the meeting, "And you, half of your salary is deducted this month."

She then continued, "I hate people questioning my decisions, if anyone in the future dares to challenge my authority, keep in your mind that it won't be deduction of salary the next time."

She left the room after giving a warning to the employees and walked straight to her room. Liam also rushed with the documents in his hand and followed her to the president's office.

She now regrets for being lenient to her employees for the past month she has been here. She thought she would take care of everything in a kind manner but they took her kindness as a form of weakness and dares to challenge her twice. She thus decided to be ruthless from here on to show them what she is capable of. She decided to show them their place and limit.

She was sitting in her seat in the office placing one hand on the paper weight and playing with it and the other hand on the documents flipping it occasionally. Her face was red from anger with scrunched down eyebrows.

After a few minutes Liam slowly entered her office with take away meals in his hand. He silently opened and spread the food on the table at the side of the room and approached his boss.

"Boss… you might have skipped breakfast, so I ordered your favourite food for lunch." He carefully steadied her expressions and noticed the slight change in her mood and immediately made use of it and took her to the table full of food.

Seeing all her favourite food on the table, her anger disappeared without a trace. Indeed, Liam and Daniel were the only people who can change her mood once she is angered not even Alaric or Emma would stand her temper. Liam always knows how to make her comfortable.

She has a weird habit of eating a lot spicy food whenever she is either happy, sad or angry. The spiciness of the food helps her to distract her mind and the level of spiciness shows the level of the chaos or happiness in her mind. She prefers spicy food more than sweets.

Her tolerance to spiciness is beyond anyone's imagination. Even seeing the food on the table makes Liam's eyes tear but Hope was eating it happily as if it was most sweetest food in the world. No matter how many times he has witnessed it in the past, he still is amazed by way she eats those spicy food which Liam would rather call it Hell of Fire.