Prologue: “The First Jester”

Decades ago, earth was infected with an incurable 'disease.' Due to this global phenomenon, the world was thrown into chaos, crime rates were the highest ever in history, and the population of the world went down significantly. The world was put into an apocalyptic scenario.

This 'disease' that has infected the earth could not be cured, no matter how much research was put into it. The researchers at the time could not find enough data and evidence to even produce a hypothesis, let alone a basic theory.

The victims that were infected with this disease were prevalent everywhere; schools, hospitals, the streets, their own homes, and even graveyards, as this disease can even affect humans after their death.

Like zombies, they come back to life and terrorize the masses in great numbers, and in honor of the fictional creature, the masses were quick to dub these beings as 'zombies' for a period of time.

Despite the name, they look nothing like them.

These things never appear the same, but they all have one thing in common. They are fearsome creatures that will induce the feeling of terror and panic to anyone who is unfortunate enough to meet their gaze. Their physical appearance can range from humanoid to outright monstrous.

During this state of mass hysteria, a hero appeared to challenge the zombies that has turned the world asunder.

A masked figure clad in all black, with a large grin, declared to the world, "I will create a world filled with smiles, free of suffering and torment! if you all wish the same brothers and sisters, then join me as we fight back these demons!" a pause followed, it was almost as if the earth stopped spinning, after a few seconds of deafening silence, the figure grinned even further and said "You may call me… Jester."

With mysterious powers, a handgun in his hand, and a broadsword in the other, he brought humanity back from the brink of destruction unaided.

He fought back against the zombies, appearing all across the world, slaying them with a broadsword so big that it may as well be a hunk of tempered steel, and a customized handgun that lights the zombies aflame.

He fights like a man possessed, cleaving armies of zombies with one swing of his sword, each flap of his wings causes sonic booms that can be heard from miles away. The bullets fired from his handgun shines with a light so luminous that it lights the night sky.

He was invincible.

But his presence did not last long, after he became renowned as a hero, he vanished and never to be seen again. Although his records and feats are forever recorded in history books. Few has seen his actual visage, the books said that he appeared as a demon with wings as dark as night, but some accounts have also said that he was a regular man in all black clothing. But no one knew for sure.

After the zombie menace has been defeated, a few still remain, zombies can still appear in dark, vacant alleyways, the public cemetery, and even in their own homes, although this case is extremely rare. Ancient zombies can still be found roaming at night, vestiges of the The First Jester's crusade.

That's why humanity decided to form an organization, gathering Jesters from all across the country, protecting the weak and hunting down zombies.

They call themselves, 'The Miscreants'.