
It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, school was about to end, and Suzuki was talking to her class regarding the school trip that will happen at the end of the month.

"Don't forget to ask for your parents' signature alright? the school needs permission from your guardian for you to attend this trip." Suzuki said while smiling.

"Can you believe it? we're actually going to Okinawa!" an excited student said to his friend.

"Yeah! I'm gonna need to buy a new swimsuit for sure!" The friend of the student excitedly said. "I hope Futoshi-kun likes it, i already have one in mind." The girl said while giggling.

"Hah! you're still going out with him? you know he's banging some other girl behind your back right?!" a vulgar boy added to the conversation, laughing as he did so.

The girl, enraged by what he said, shouted at him "What did you say you little shit!? there's no way the love of my life would ever do that!"

Shun had his eyes on the orange sky with his hand resting on his cheek, never once paying attention to the ruckus that is happening in class. What a bunch of idiots. Shun thought in his head.

"Alright everyone, calm down!" Suzuki said with an authoritative tone.

The students all went quiet, although the girl was still glaring at the boy who made fun of her boyfriend. "Just watch, you're dead once i tell him what you said." The girl said with a smug grin.

"Okay, as i was saying." Suzuki continued. "Who's in charge of cleaning the class today?" Suzuki said as she scanned the class cleaning schedule for the month.

As Suzuki said this, Shun stiffened up. It was his turn to clean the class today. Great, just great. He thought in his head.

"Noriyama! it's your turn today!" Suzuki said to him. "At the very least, please try not to ditch today." Suzuki while looking at Shun with her eyes narrowed.

Shun said nothing and just nodded silently.

"Pfftt... the delinquent not ditching cleaning duties? that would be the day." a student said aloud with a mocking tone, enough for Shun to hear him.

"Hey, dude! are you crazy?! he'll kill you!" the friend of the student whispered to him.

"Nah, he doesn't have the balls to actually kill someone. I ain't afraid of him." The student mockingly said to Shun, as if challenging him.

Shun got up from his seat and directly glared at the student stupid enough to piss him off. "Wanna try me?" Shun said with an ice cold voice.

"Noriyama! that's enough!" Suzuki shouted.

"He started it!" Shun said with barely contained anger.

The student who provoked Shun feigned ignorance and said to Suzuki. "I didn't do anything sensei! Noriyama just suddenly got angry at me!"

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is, i will not tolerate any kind of violence in my classroom, is that clear?" Suzuki said, her eyes directed at Shun.

It was always like this, the students at Jindai high school were either too afraid to talk to him, or they just straight up hate his guts. Shun is already a third year, and this is how his high school life has been for the last two and a half years.

Shun looked like he wanted to say something, but thinking it wouldn't change anything, sat back down in his chair.

A few minutes later, the school bell rang, signifying the end of school for today.


Shun is alone in his classroom, sorting out desks and sweeping the floor with a broom. Despite his delinquency, he was a rather clean person, although he skips his cleaning duties from time to time, but when he does clean, he always leaves the classroom spotless, not a speck of dirt left behind.

Guess i got it from mom. Shun thought with a small smile.

As Shun was busy sweeping the floor, he sensed someone entering the classroom, he turned his head around to see who it was.

And he immediately regretted it.

Standing by the classroom was Kagawa Futoshi, the resident pretty boy, he was average in height, has short auburn hair that was neatly combed to one side, a pale complexion with a sharp jawline, and is wearing rectangle shaped glasses. But the most noticeable feature of Futoshi is the nigh constant smug smirk that is present on his face.

Behind him is a girl that has been following him around for the past couple of weeks, he noticed that the girl is the one who shouted profanities in class earlier, he never bothered to remember her name.

"Well... well... if it isn't Noriyama, cleaning duties today huh? that's gotta suck." Futoshi said sarcastically as he approached Shun.

Shun felt his eyes twitch, and his hands were starting to get sweaty. Kagawa Futoshi was the one who made Noriyama Shun's high school life a living hell.

"What do you want Kagawa?" Shun said with venom coating every word.

Futoshi ignored the animosity directed at him and confidently strode up to Shun, putting his face directly in front of him.

"Oh nothing, i just wanted to see how the resident delinquent was doing, can't have things like last time happen in my school now can it?" Futoshi said smugly with his hands behind his back.

Futoshi is the son of the chairman of Jindai Senior High School, Kagawa Daizen. His father sets the school's agenda and has significant sway as to how the board of directors of the school vote. Kagawa Daizen is the one who calls all the shots at Jindai. And being his son, Futoshi also has immense power in Jindai. He is a twisted person with warped sense of morals.

"I'm not the one who did it." Shun said, holding his ground against Futoshi.

Futoshi still has that smug grin on his face, he then positioned his face beside Shun. "You got lucky back then, but if you do any kind of offense again, I'll make sure that you'll be behind bars for the rest of your life." Futoshi whispered to Shun.

"You're nothing against me, so you better stay out of my way, trash."

Shun was trying his best not to deck his face in. Despite people calling him as the 'delinquent', he hasn't done anything to deserve the title.

I haven't done anything wrong damn it! Shun thought, remembering the events that happened when he was a first year.


It was the fourth of October, golden leaves were falling, and the sound of crisp leaves were prominent beneath people's feet, the air was chilly and damp enough that people wore jackets to protect themselves from the cold.

Fifteen year old Noriyama Shun was walking home from school by himself, he was walking along the streets to get to the Azabu-Juban station.

As he was walking, he noticed that ahead of him, someone was pulling another person into an alleyway.

Witnessing this, Shun was feeling extremely suspicious, checking his surroundings, he noticed that no one was around during this time of day, students were either already on their way back home, or they were doing club activities.

Looking behind him, he saw that the school wasn't that far away. I can call for help if things go south. Shun thought. Resolving his mind, he decided to pursue the two people that went into the alley.

He walked up to the alleyway entrance as silently as possible, he can make out two voices coming from the alleyway, one was a guy and the other was a girl, the girl sounds really distressed and uncomfortable.

He took a peek inside the alleyway, and sure enough, he saw Kagawa Futoshi pinning an unfamiliar girl to the wall while holding her hand.

"C'mon... just a little, it won't hurt one bit." Futoshi said to the girl with a predatory smile.

"Futoshi-kun, w-w-we're in public, i-i don't think this is a good idea." The girl said, clearly terrified of what's happening to her.

Futoshi glared at the girl maliciously. "Tch, you're so persistent." He said as he was pulling something from his back pocket.

Looking closely, Shun noticed that it was a pocket knife. Seeing this, he started to panic, looking around the street, he saw no one around. If i run back to school, who knows what'll happen to the girl by then. Shun thought to himself.

Closing his eyes tightly, he resolved himself to make his presence known.

"HEY! STOP IT!" Shun shouted, surprising both Futoshi and the girl.

Futoshi looked at him with his eyes narrowed. "Who are you supposed to be, huh?" as Futoshi said this, his grip loosened and the girl managed to get away from him, running to hide behind Shun.

Seeing this, Futoshi's eye twitched. "This is a personal affair, beat it." Futoshi said. "Hey, come back here." Futoshi said in a rough tone.

When the girl ignored him, Futoshi snapped. "I said come here you little bitch!" he said as he reached a hand out to grab her.

Shun grabbed Futoshi's hand and held it in place, staring him down with a glare. "Go get an adult! Now!" Shun said to the girl.

The girl looked scared, she hesitated for a second before she nodded, and ran out of the alleyway towards the school to get a teacher.

"You just keep getting in the way huh?" Futoshi said, grabbing his pocket knife with his other hand.

Noticing this, Shun let Futoshi's hand go as he swiped at him with the pocket knife, a second too late and his face would've been sliced open.

"What the hell are you doing Kagawa-san?! you're gonna get us both in trouble! stop it!" Shun said frantically to his fellow student as he dodged Futoshi's haphazard slices in the narrow alleyway.

But Futoshi ignored him, and he just keeps on trying to injure Shun, he looks like he was having fun with this.

Seeing as talking wasn't going to work, Shun figured it was time to physically apprehend him, he wasn't a very good fighter, but he can think on his feet. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins, he can see where the knife was.

Dodge left.

Dodge right.

Duck under.

He kept doing this for a few seconds. Growing frustrated, Futoshi thrust his knife forward in hopes of stabbing Shun, but he wasn't watching his balance and ended up stumbling forward because of the momentum of his body.

Seeing the opening, Shun stepped to the right and punched Futoshi straight in the face with a clean right hook.

BAM! "AGH!" Futoshi screamed as he held his bruised cheek, his glasses were thrown off his face.

He glared at Shun as he raised his head to look at him with a snarl, if looks could kill, then Shun would already be dead by now.

But then the snarl he had was replaced with a smug grin.

A few seconds of pause followed.

In those few seconds, Shun was still focused and ready to fight back, his hand hurt like hell, he never punched anyone before, but he could tell that that was a good hit.

His musings got interrupted when Futoshi charged him again.

This time, Shun successfully caught the arm that's holding the knife, but he didn't see a hand fly towards his face.

BAM! Shun's face got thrown back courtesy of a punch from his opponent. Making Shun let go of his hand that was grabbing Futoshi's.

Seeing the opportunity, Futoshi swiped at him again with the knife, only for Shun to duck under and tackle him to the ground.

When they landed, Futoshi got his wind knocked out of him, causing him to let go of the knife he was holding.

Shun and Futoshi was rolling on the ground, wrestling with one another.

But physically, Shun had the upper hand and succeeded in grappling the other boy into submission. Shun had twisted Futoshi's arm behind his back, making him unable to move.

"Stop it Noriyama-san! you're hurting me!" Futoshi screamed as he squirmed beneath Shun.

"Then stop resisting!" Shun screamed back.


Both boys looked up to see the principal of Jindai looking absolutely livid. But his expression quickly changed from anger to fear when his eyes made contact with Futoshi.

"Stop whatever you are doing this instant!" the principal shouted.

Both of the students obeyed the principal and dusted themselves off. The principal quickly rushed towards Futoshi and asked him all sorts of questions. Are you hurt? What happened? among other things. But the words that came out of the principal's mouth that stuck to Shun the most was when he said. "Please don't tell your father."

Shun was shocked, and he had a sudden realization, he looked at Futoshi, his smug smile got bigger as he looked at him. He mouthed to Shun "You're done."

A few weeks later, Shun was sent to a family court, got labeled with a criminal record, and was put on probation.

He was falsely accused.

The girl that was with Futoshi didn't show up to testify, her parents claimed that she was traumatized and couldn't handle the pressure.

And that was when the world of Noriyama Shun got turned upside down.


Shun was brought back from his memories when Futoshi backed away from him and patted his shoulder. "You've changed Noriyama, for the worse, such a shame." Futoshi said sarcastically.

"Well, as long as you're not bothering me, i don't really mind." Futoshi then turned his back towards Shun.

"See you later, loser." Futoshi said with a smug grin as he left the classroom, his supposed girlfriend following behind him.

Shun was left alone in the classroom, he balled his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. His duties forgotten, he picked up his bag, slammed the door to the classroom shut, and briskly walked down the stairs to the main entrance.

As he exited the school gate, he failed to notice a beautiful girl with long golden blonde hair and sharp blue eyes staring at him from afar. She had a stoic face as she observed Shun stomping out of the gate.

"Noriyama Shun huh?" the blonde girl said with interest.