Chapter 8

Suzy's phone vibrated while she was digging in her breakfast. She took it out from her pocket and read the message.

"Don't trust Ashley, my dear. She sold you in the investigation."

Suzy closed her eyes and contemplate. Should she believe this crappy message or not? Ashley is her long time friend. She even considered her as her best friend already that's why she's trusting her too much.

"That's right," she said in her mind. Someone is just messing around. The sender just wants to destroy our friendship so that we will mess in the investigation. He/she is just provoking me.

Suzy was not able to finish her food because her mind was being stirred.

She stood up and excuses herself from her parents who were still eating. She returned to her room and locked the door.

As soon as she locked it, her knees betrayed her. Her tears began to flow again and she didn't bother to stand up from the floor.

I shouldn't believe it. Ashley is my friend. But what if it is true? What if Ashley sold me out?

She hugged her knees.

Please, it shouldn't be true. Don't let it be true. Please. . .

Suzy is thinking that the sender is winning right now. The sender successfully stirs her mind and she doesn't know what to do again.

How could she face Ashley later at school? Should she pretend that she's clueless? Or should she tell Ashley about it?

After fifteen minutes, Suzy had composed herself and stood up. She went down and bid her goodbye to her parents.

At the school

Suzy is patiently waiting for Ashley. And as soon as Ashley arrives, Suzy stand up to wave at her but she was cut by Xander.

"Yo, Ashley! How's your night? Did you sleep well after selling your friend in the investigation?" Xander asked, smirking.

Ashley was caught off guard. She was not able to move from shock. She's not expecting this. How does Xander knew? That's what she's thinking right now.

She looked at Suzy and like everyone else, her friend is also waiting for her answer. No! Actually, Suzy is hoping that she will deny Xander's question.

Rebecca butt in. "What trash you're talking again, Xander?"

"Trash? Are you referring to Ashley? A trashy friend who is willing to sell her long time friend just to get away from the investigation?"

Xander let out a laugh. Everyone in the room remained silent. They were in awe.

"So-so-so what? Why? Is it only me? Every one of us is afraid! We all want to get away from the investigation! I just told them the truth!" Ashley blurted out.

Suzy covered her mouth by her palm and ran out of the room. She wanted to get away from them. She can't believe it.

"Suzy, wait!" Rebecca followed Suzy but before she stepped out, she looked at Ashley disgustingly.

Xander walked towards Ashley who's still glued at the front of the doorway.

"You did well in betraying your friends, Ashley. I'm impressed. But don't think that you already got away. The table may turn soon. So brace yourself," Xander whispered in her ears that made her shiver.