Dimensional space

  When mana was injected into the katana, the blade, as well as the markings, slightly dimmed, and he felt an almost transparent aura that gave out a deathly feeling enveloping the blade.

As he swung the katana, Blake noticed that for a second the blade had disappeared from his sight before appearing when he stopped.

"What the f*ck just happened?" Blake was bewildered.

[That was the effect of the space element. The gathered space energy around the katana bends the rays of light that fall on it, thereby turning it invisible.]

"So, the effect is a kind of illusion?"

Hearing Blake's unenthusiastic tone the system added. [That is not all, the katana also gains more cutting power even greater than that of the lightning element.

If refined space energy was injected into it, the sharpness of the blade will enable it to cut through the fabric of space in minute quantities, making its attacks unblockable.]