Survival Exercise 9.

Having no one else to fight for it, the alpha rok engaged Blake in close quarters combat. It swiped its claws and tried multiple times to tear him up with its fangs, but he couldn't get its hands on him which enraged it.

It went on for sometime before Blake surprise it with a fireball to the face, before giving it a bone-deep cut to its arm reducing its movement and fighting capabilities.


The alpha rok howled in pain, as it pulled back, but Blake wasn't letting it go anywhere. He threw out knives aiming for its eyes and hands. It was quick enough to dodge those heading for its eyes but was slow to dodge the others.

Several meters underground, nature's energy was chaotic as they all gathered at the center of the cave, forming a pillar of energy, and at the center of it was a drax.

If the system was here it could easily tell that it was an evolutionary process, which knight rank beasts would have to undergo to become king rank beasts.