Rampant armor.

"Now for the armor section." Blake used the filter function to filter out non-armor products, But unlike before he wasn't that shocked because of the prices.

After checking and not seeing any useful properties in the armors within 30k points, Blake scrolled past the 40k price mark and began paying more attention to the properties of the armors with the 50k price mark.

Not only had the number of useless armors reduced, but the effects were much better. There were lightweight armors that focused mostly on enhancing the wearer's speed, but the disadvantage of such armor was that their barrier was not as strong as those of heavy armors and it was vice versa for heavy armors.

The number of armors on the 50k points list wasn't as big and annoying as those with lower prices, thus it didn't take much time for Blake to scan through the list but still, nothing caught his attention.