
All of a sudden thick clouds blocked the rays of the sun, turning the entire slum dark. Lightning and roaring thunder echoed all around the area but there were no signs of it raining.

Krak! Krak! Kaaa-boom!

"What…what is….going on?" Blake muffled as he fell to his knees and began gasping for air. Similar events happened to everyone in the vicinity except Mason and Taliesin, but from the looks of things, Blake's case was worse.

Everyone below the peak stage of the hero realm was forced to their knees and couldn't move an inch, but unlike Blake who was desperately gasping for air, they only found it hard to breathe.

'What the f*ck is going on?!' Not having enough oxygen to utter a single word, Blake asked the system using their mind link.

After a split second of scanning and analyzing the environment, the system replied. [You are being suppressed by someone very powerful!]