Body enhancement.

"It's my turn." Brian slammed his fists together as took center stage.

He first tested the spell channeling skill and amplifier effects of the gauntlets by smashing his fist into the ground and creating a long row of spikes.

'Not bad. Let's check out the force barrier." Brian injected mana into his left arm and a transparent barrier in the shape of a tower shield appeared.

[That should be the default shape. Trying changing it.] The system advised him through the mind link.

"That was easy." He had thought he needed to concentrate to do it, but surprisingly it took only a thought.

"You guys should try hitting me with something." Brian's words caused Blake and Castiel to look at themselves before they hurled 2 flame spears at the barrier.

The flame spears crashed into the barrier before exploding, but after the smoke had cleared up Brian was standing at the same spot with no injuries.