Crack down (part 3).

According to the map given to them by the Winchester family, the hideout was divided into 2 parts.

The right corridor led to the storage area and kitchen of the hideout, while the right side led to the living space of the gang members, meeting room, boss' office, and the core. The right side contained quite a lot of rooms that it extended into a lower floor.

'Good luck.' Activating lightning reinforcement, Blake dashed into the left corridor which could contain 4 men standing side by side.

Once the power of the entire hideout was out, the gang members were confused about what was going on.

In one of the rooms which was occupied by 3 gang members. The lights were out and they were chatting about what might have gone wrong with the core, but that was when they heard the sound of the door opening, and a dagger pierced into the skull of one of the members.