This can't be a coincidence.

When it came to the middle-rank gangs in Calton city, The creed was considered to be in the top 3. Those below the top 3 didn't dare meddle with them, while those within the top 3 feared them. It wasn't only because of their manpower and resources, but it was mostly because of their leader Slade.

When compared to the other gang leaders, Slade was no doubt considered to be the strongest and smartest. Not only did he have a lot more artifacts than the other gang leaders, his skills as a geomancer were over the roofs. This made a lot of people in the underworld compare him to adventurer association guild master, Walden, only that he was in the hero realm.

Rumors had it that Slade wasn't a citizen of the Synder empire, he had come from the Kaldron empire and had somehow made it past the Malock desert.