Elemental cannon battle array.

Each team had been randomly assigned to different positions which had quite a lot of space between each team. Below each of these positions was different kinds of beasts, meaning the difficulty each team would face was solely dependent on their luck.

'This would be a problem.' 

When they got into position at the edge of the walls, the students noticed something. The distance between the top of the wall and the bottom was very huge.

Due to this huge distance, if the students were to attack, the beasts would have enough time to sense the attack and move out of the way.

If they wanted their attacks to connect and deal damage to the beasts, it meant that they needed to put in more mana to their spells, but this also meant that they would run out of mana more quickly.

'No wonder he was continuously mentioning efficiency and saving mana.' Blake thought as he began assessing the situation.