Mana cannon lesson.

"If you had noticed, we had completed both the 2 and 3 lessons, meaning we would be going to treat the 4th lesson right now." Major Reeves announced.

At first, the students were confused and were wondering if they had lost the ability to count properly, but they soon began thinking back to the exercise.

According to major Reeves, the 2nd lesson was meant to teach them how to prevent beasts from making their way onto the top of the wall, while the 3rd lesson was focused on teaching them damage control and how to remain calm in situations where beasts managed to come to the top.

Thinking back on what they had done earlier that day, they realized that they had done both of the lessons at once, but the question was why?

"You all have the same question on your minds, but before I answer that I want you all to go to the edge of the wall and take a look for yourselves." Major Reeves said to the teams.