In search of a challenge.

The next day.

Immediately after their final class for the day, Blake made a few inquiries before walking up to the rank 10, Aaron Nystrom.

Aaron was a 17-year-old who stood at a height of 6'1" feet (1.85 meters). His red short hair and pale skin reminded Blake of Ron from Harry Potter, but the freckles on his cheeks and the condescending smirk that was always on his face were sharp contrasts.

"I challenge you to a ranked match." Blake said to Aaron as he tapped his school badge to make the challenge official.

Blake's announcement caused Aaron's heartbeat to start racing, but he soon calmed himself down because he had been making preparations for this day.

For 2 weeks now, Blake's actions had made it clear that he was attacking only the demoted 2nd-year students. So everyone in the top rank had been preparing for when they would get challenged by him.