Not taking chances.

Throughout the night and far into the day the beasts hadn't attacked again. The human camp was filled with so much trepidation in the air that it was palpable.

They had no clue if or when the next attack would take place, making it impossible for them to do certain things.

By noon it was time for Blake as well as other captains to report on what they were doing so far.

The meeting was very brief because nothing had really happened so far in all parts of the southern wall.

The most interesting part of Blake's visit to the wall wasn't that the wall had moved 40 meters, but the attributes of the wall.

The batch of thranium crystals needed for the first stage of expansion had been completely absorbed and now metals with other natural resources were currently being fed to the wall.

'Why does this expansion process make me feel like the wall is being fed?' Blake couldn't help but ask as the wall was letting out low rhythmic hums as it was breathing.