Castiel's First inheritance (final part)

In no time, Castiel took care of the sand cat beast and quickly returned to the group who were still in the process of extracting the Scorpidraconis' venom.

"Why do I have a feeling that the beasts are not coming for us, but for something else." Castiel said with a worried expression plastered on his face.

"What makes you think so?" One of the two researchers couldn't help but ask.

"The beasts always seem to be coming from behind, but never in front." Castiel's explanation made them recall all the beast attacks that had taken place.

Although they were in a dangerous situation, Castiel didn't forget that these were his employers, so he continued being polite as he spoke. "Can you turn on the tracking device, We need to know when and where these are coming from."

"Alright." One of the researchers agreed and took out the tracking device from his dimensional amulet.