
The city of Verdantovia was currently being protected by 25 Angels, 5 of which were at the peak of the Angel realm, while the remaining 20 were a mixture of Ordained and Prevalent Angels.

The city's firepower was multiple times that of Willowbrook. This meant that the tactics used by Sealord Granick on Willowbrook would be immediately rendered useless the moment they entered the sensory array's range. This made things extremely difficult for the invaders, but that didn't it was impossible to capture the city.

Outside the range of the sensory array and cannon range, special troops had been sent out alongside array masters to set up, not only 1 but 3 sets of arrays at the four sides of the city.

Once all the arrays were complete, the long-distance array was immediately activated. Four extremely large portals appeared, and groups of armies comprising thousands of soldiers poured out.