Primordial Darkness

Valerius's ruptured chest trembled as tendrils of radiant light gently weaved through the air, swiftly reconstructing the damaged fragments of a wounded heart. 


The pulsating glow intensified, as the already insane healing speed increased. In a mere second, the reconstruction of the heart was completed and the hole in his chest was halfway done.


Watching Valerius's wound healing at a rapid rate, Blake couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in shock. 


"Hmmm." Blake's shock died as fast as it came, replaced with realisation.


"That explains what gave you two the confidence to face me." Blake chuckled.


Blake figured out that the light element must have been an inheritance from the God of light, who just showed himself a few minutes ago.


"You have become cockier than I remembered." Valerius sneered with a look of disdain as his body hovered backwards, illuminating with intense life.