
Make-up Is For Girls

Red made a canvas out of his body as he stood in the corner of the huge tent while she was perched on a stool, away from the prying eyes of the others.

Alexander clamped his mouth shut. She found him agreeable in that way so he did it sometimes. She had a wild temper whenever he talked or flirted her way.

Twenty silent minutes later and Alexander was bored out of his mind. He watched her do her thing instead. He scanned her face as she painted on his chest. There's a smudge of red ink on her cheek he wanted to remove just so he could touch her freely.

Alexander just wanted to know if her skin was as soft as it looked but he didn't want to ruin her concentration.

'Oops. Henna ink will be removed after three weeks.' He smirked, 'poor poor Red.'

Red's eyes---the more Alexander looked at her, the more he wanted. Her eyes were like dazzling emeralds, her skin was pale and dusted with rose.

Alexander's thoughts warred.

Unconsciously, his eyes wandered on her wet lips as she constantly licked them. Her lips were a brilliant scarlet. A lush and dewy, ripe-for-a-kiss scarlet.

Then, he would imagine them wrapped around his---

'Don't go there, Alex.'

"Don't get any ideas, dude."

Alexander frowned at what she said, then stiffened. Did he say his thoughts out loud?

She stood up from her stool, looked him in the eye with that intense gaze of hers before she crouched and positioned herself nearer, her small face dangerously near to his crotch.

She dragged one small hand on the ridges of his stomach. "Chest is done. Your stomach is next."

Alexander had a hard time breathing, trying to control himself. His tool is back in action: jumping and twitching like the horny thing it is.

"Oh, so that's what you mean. I thought---"

She looked up, arched an eyebrow at him, her face still close to his crotch.

"Nevermind. Just continue."

A sweat broke in Alexander's forehead. He thought she knew what he was thinking. Just some creative ways of putting her mouth to good use.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned. "Your ears are red."

Alexander nod, a little bit embarrassed of himself blushing like he was a fifteen having sex for the first time, and placed a lid on his lecherous thoughts. This is not the perfect time to deal with it.

Later, the brain (or should he say 'dick?'), later.

"Arms, next." She announced as she moved her stool next to his and painted some pretty intricate details on it. After that, she dug in her bag looking for something... she showed him her make-up kit.

"A real man doesn't wear make-up." Alexander protested and she snorted.

"Prove your manliness to me if you'll still look like a man after I put make-up on you."

"Isn't that heavy? Or worse, itchy?" He said, incredulous. "What if I'm allergic to the chemicals?"

Oh, shush! Don't be a baby. Women wear it all the time and they don't get sent to the emergency room because of it." She opened the make-up kit and grabbed a strawberry-fragrant lotion tube, rubbed it onto her hands, and quickly styled his hair.

"And believe me, I won't put too much that you'll look like a tramp. It's for aesthetic purposes only." She assured him but all her words flew out the window.

Alexander groaned at the way her hands deliciously rubbed against his scalp. His eyes were drooping, suddenly sleepy. She combed his blond hair and styled it sideways.

She shaved one of his eyebrows, drew something on his face with the use of ink eyeliners, and applied lip balm on him. Alexander just resigned himself to fate, hoping this girl knew what she was doing.

Alexander got an eyeful of her perky breasts as she applied other things on his face. Her head was so close to his. He closed his eyes and sighed a hopeless sigh. She could smell her fruity scent. It made his mouth water and crave for something more.

Just like what she did to his body, she also put some white powder on his neck and face and what can he say? The magic powder of hers is glittering!

"Could you tone down the glitter?" Alexander suggested, annoyed, even if he knew they will pass through deaf ears.

"I'm not done yet. I have tiny Swarovski crystals in my bag to be placed strategically on the dragons so that they glitter." Cat informed him and he groaned.

"Who did you think I was? Edward Cullen?" Alexander said. "Don't you think that's going overboard?"

"Like I said, for AESTHETICS PURPOSES ONLY. "She gave him a patronizing smile. "You're not an artist so you wouldn't understand."

Bullshit glitters. Alexander muttered.

He could say she was more serious with them since her thin eyebrows were knitted together in a scowl as she continued her work. Oh, she got that artist vibe.

Alexander didn't move or else she would snap.

He didn't know what she had done to his body or what image she drew on them. Alexander wanted to be surprised so until she finished it and he can finally see the bigger picture, then that would be the time Alexander will judge.

She placed her dainty fingers under his chin and tilt his head from side to side. She caressed his jaw and the slope of his nose slowly as she stared deep into his eyes, aquamarine to coffee caramel, she smiled at Alexander, so sweet and seductive.

What came out of her mouth next made his arousal shrivel in disappointment.

"There goes my five-thousand-dollar model." She cooed, smiling proudly as she pinched his arm.

'Oh, so this is how it's going to be.'

She looked at him like he was her walking 'five thousand dollars'. She wouldn't probably mind if he looked at her as his servant after this event.

Alexander will surely make her pay for dragging him into this.

In the meantime, he would play along.

She'll be eating under his hand at the end of the day.
