

"How did you get into my room, Cathryn?"

"Uh--" Cathryn trailed off as she continued to sniff his shirt like she was a cat who found its catnip. His clean, musky scent was like a drug to her system and she inhaled once again, but not that deep, because she didn't want Alexander to find out he was her greatest addiction.

"I don't think that's important." She didn't want to part with him yet so she pushed him off her a little. Cathryn didn't go too far since his large hands were clasped tightly around the flare of her waist.

"Where do you think you are going, baby?" For a long moment, he stared at me as his lips curled into a smile as if he was a cat who got the canary. "You hadn't answered my question."

She didn't want to answer that.

Cathryn needed to escape and had to conjure any reasonable excuses at her arsenal.

"I need to go, Alexander," Cathryn said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Edward and Justin must be looking for me."

"That's not my problem anymore, isn't it?" His dark hair was mussed, as though he'd run his hands through it a few times. His eyes glittered dangerously and her eyes flitted to the large king-size bed behind him. A bed with white silk sheets. "You got the book you were looking for then?"

"Here, I'm returning the keys to you." Cathryn turned to move away as she headed towards the door but he grabbed her by the elbow. She had no choice but to fall back in his arms.

Cathryn's gaze shifted to him. Alexander's bone structure was total perfection, his body tall and packed with just the right amount of muscle.

Her body had betrayed her as she angled herself towards him. Excitement became as hot as fire in her veins threatening to spiral out of her control.

"Please let me go." Cathryn pleaded but her mind and body warred for dominance. She liked his body pressed against hers a tad too much. Alexander was dangerous for her health.

"You had to tell me, Cathryn, where and how you got the keys--" Alexander gazed down, down, down at her transparent dress and, biting his lip when his eyes smoldered on her chest.

A lock of dark hair fell over his forehead as he stared deep into her eyes, searching for something. "--and the sooner you tell me the truth…"

He wanted to play the game then she would play.

"The sooner you would let go?" She blinked slowly as if everything was in slow motion. Cathryn would use every sensual weapon at her disposal, showing no mercy.

Alexander's hands settled on the underside of her breast and her gaze settled on his mouth like a butterfly's touch. His lips could surely be a portal to heaven. They were lush and pink and promised unimaginable pleasures without saying a word. He knew it, too. He radiated utter confidence, absolute strength, and that I'll-do-anything wildness.

"The sooner I would reward you." As she stared up at him, his smile took on a wicked edge, knowing and sure. Alexander had pulled her closer and every muscle in his body hardened in anticipation. "Because you had been a very good girl."

Alexander's gaze drifted along her body once again and as if on cue, her nipples went hard. She didn't shrink from his gaze when he played with the hem of her shirt.

Cathryn's heart fluttered wildly when Alexander bent his head to trail slow kisses on her neck, licking that sensitive patch behind her earlobe. Her knees threatened to give up on her as Alexander held her upper body, carrying her weight as she leaned more into him.

Her throat hurt as she tried to stop herself from moaning into pleasure.

She yanked at his hair, tugging several strands from his scalp.

"Red." He groaned as if he was holding himself back from unleashing his lust and her name had sounded like an electric current inside her. Memories about the two of them flooded her mind when they met last summer, heating her inside and out.

"I want my mouth all over you." He said as he inhaled sharply, his fingers gripping the hem of her dress and yanked it over her head. The material lifted her hair, and that amazing black silk tumbled back down, the thin fabric falling on the floor.

Shock and desire pounded through Cathryn, sharp and potent. She was here with Alexander and he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

For a moment, she simply luxuriated in all that passion, letting it wash through her, intoxicating her, making her feel like she wouldn't even care if the world ended right at that moment. He started to tug her shorts down.

Would she scream in pleasure if Alexander would lick his way up and down her body?

She wanted to kiss him, do bad things to him and stay in his arms. It was a toxic craving, a hunger he could only satiate with his body. She shouldn't.

He growled when Cathryn was the first to break away from the kiss. Alexander was her sweetest temptation and if he knew that, he could destroy her with the knowledge.

His flirtations had seemed so practiced so obviously he wouldn't be so capable of commitment.

"You're quiet, baby. Kissing a guy alone in a hotel room could make a virgin nervous, no? " A sexy chuckled escaped him.

His hot gaze perused her, lingering on her breasts and between her legs. Perhaps he imagined licking her, sucking, biting. Or was that just wishful thinking on her part?

When his eyes locked with hers again, his pupils had dilated, black overshadowing amber. Maybe not.

"Do you still want to—"

A pounding of fist echoing through the walls startled them. Cathryn whipped around and had to massage her temples to assuage the sudden wave of dizziness.

Blake had come out from the window's heavy curtains. "Hello."

She was so turned on with Alexander that he forgot he was even there.

"This shit is kinky and stuff. But if the two of you wanted to have sex--" Blake's voice had snapped her out of the haze, and she blinked. "You need to know I'm still in the room, you guys."