
Housewarming Party

Cathryn shoved Alexander away when she heard the door open.

Turning her head towards the sound, Cathryn almost forgot she had vertigo so she had to move her head slowly.

She mentally kicked herself for being stupid.

If this continued, she would faint.

Tilting his head and with his hand in the doorknob, Justin stood by the door as he peeked at them. "What's taking you so long, Alexander?"

When Justin saw their expressions, his eyes widened, and his mouth formed a small O.

She scratched her head in annoyance.

By the redness of Justin's face, it was already an indication that he had drunk too much alcohol.

Why were people so reckless recently?

It wasn't even the last day before weekends yet.

Cathryn shook her head and bit her cheek.

Justin stared at them back and forth as if they were a tricky jigsaw puzzle he couldn't solve. "I thought you are doing something else in her room."

"Ew, Justin." Cathryn gaze remained as steady at him. "Don't be weird."

"Hmm." Justin arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "You act disgusted but I know you want the D."

"Justin, we didn't do anything, okay?" Cathryn felt her cheeks flush and yelled indignantly at her roommate. "Stop! You are giving me more headaches."

"We could have been doing something fun if you didn't interrupt, bro," Alexander grunted. "You came in the most inconvenient time."

"The others have arrived," Justin asked casually and pursed his lips. "Would you come?"

"Fuck this. I was supposed to be sleeping." Cathryn muttered.

Alexander stepped towards her, held her arm, and whispered, "By the time you are mine, I would never let you sleep."

Cathryn refused to fall for his trap.

She shook her head and replied, "I don't know what you mean, Alexander. That sounds like you are cursing me to get insomnia."

Alexander tried for an easy, I-only-want-to-please-you chuckle, "Trust me. It's a good kind of insomnia."

"Quit flirting with me!" Cathryn said irritably.

Justin rolled his eyes at them. "Guys, are you coming or not?"

"We can tell Justin to fuck off, and then lock the door because I'm making you come instead." Alexander offered as he blocked her from Justin's view, smirking like he was the cat who got the canary.

Cathryn attempted to pinch his side.

Unfortunately, there was no fatty flesh to tweak because his side was pure hard muscle.

She settled for playfully punching her stomach.

"You must have a fetish or my body, Cathryn," Alexander said with an easy smile as he watched her slowly losing her composure.

"No!" She shook her head violently, causing her red hair to swing around her temples.

"Then, why do you keep touching me all over?" With a tilt of her chin, Cathryn motioned him to go to the door.

Her gaze remaining on Alexander, she spoke her next words to Justin. "We should go to the living room."

Cathryn shook his head, wait for Alexander to exit her room before closing the door with a thump.

They were laughing and talking over their drinks as they stared on the large flat-screen TV attached to the wall. Marco was already getting the party started by raising his glass to clink with the others as they became part of the celebration.

She stomped her foot to the living room and all of them stopped whatever they were doing as they paused, looking at her.

For the love of God, she had never seen the living room this crowded.

They were nine teenagers in their apartment.

She didn't know if she would be amazed or not whenever she saw the band members drink their liquor like it was water.

Alexander and Blake had been drinking at dawn and the other members were at it again at the limousine on her way to her apartment.

Edward had their blender laid out on the coffee table, whirring with colorful icy concoctions.

There was no doubt that his best friend was having fun.

Water rings flooded the tabletops and there was a scattering of pretzel bowls and a collection of shot glasses.

"Cathryn. We have brought food. " Blake called her as he offered her nachos from the basket. "And fruits, too. They are a must when visiting someone's home."

Thunderous rock music boomed so loudly, the walls and floor vibrated.

Her entire being vibrated to the beat.

She felt like committing a massacre.

"More booze!" Marco was dancing wildly to the beat of the music, glugging beer from his bottle. The band members were chaotic and Edward and Justin seemed to be okay with it.

From the wide smile on their faces, they seemed to enjoy the festivity.

"You brought more alcohol? " Cathryn said incredulously to anyone from Mild Savagery who might listen to her lectures."Weren't you satisfied when we were all in the limo?"


The smell of alcohol made her feel like she was floating, her head was once again overwhelmed by a spinning sensation.

Jason pinned her with a concerned gaze. "Chill, we bought juice for you so you don't have to drink alcohol."

Blake strode towards Cathryn as soon as their eyes met.

When he reached her, he leaned down and kissed her cheek. "We brought other gifts, too."

"Wait, wait, wait. I wasn't informed." She breathed in a horrified gasp. "Do you think this was a Housewarming Party?"