
Goddess Painting

The week passed by without any unwelcome surprise from the Mild Savagery band but it was too early to tell.

Alexander didn't bother her anymore after the rain incident with Blake as if he suddenly lost all interest in her when she didn't even do anything bad or accept any kinds of sexual advances from him.

She was worried that Alexander had assumed that they were doing something they shouldn't when they were alone.

Blake was… Cathryn couldn't understand what was going on with his mind.

'Maybe he was buttering me up for him to get my attention.' Cathryn mused as she walked ahead of Justin and Edward while they chattered, following her towards her class. 'Blake did this on purpose so that he could get revenge from Alexander who had taken his girl back in middle school or something.'

Oop, but that story was made straight out of fantasy from a romance writer.

That was far from the truth unless she asked about their dating history: Alexander and Blake.

Perhaps, it could give her a clearer view of what type of person they were when it came to dating if I was really interested in dating them in the first place.

After they had entered back in the apartment, Alexander had grown cold on her and didn't even acknowledge her presence the whole night.

He was drinking non-stop at the corner of the sofa without talking to anyone from his band, just lost in his own thoughts.

They continued to party, but at the later hours, the sound coming from the speakers had shifted into mellow instrumentals which made her somewhat happy because she could finally fall asleep in her room with ease.

Alexander hadn't approached her to talk the whole time she was in the living room, happily conversing with the others, so she just announced that she was going to sleep after waiting for him to come over.

'I wonder what had gotten into him that he started from I'm the most interesting thing in the world he had ever seen' to simply ignoring me as if I didn't exist the whole time in just a span of hours.' Cathryn thought.

Was he jealous of Blake and just suddenly realized that she was a girl not worth his time and find someone else?

Ah, why was having a crush on someone and liking them so hard?

Cathryn was interested in Alexander, but she needed to be cautious.

Maybe she had overdone it, and now she had driven him away.

What a mess.

It was a wrong move on her part to be with Blake that night, but Alexander was too intense that she had run away from him for a while because she was afraid of the things he made her feel.

It made her feel out-of-control, and that would put her at a disadvantage.

She exhaled in frustration.

Cathryn's anxious thoughts were driving her crazy.

"Stop worrying. Everything's going to be fine." Cathryn repeated this like a mantra.

"Take a moment and hush your mind, quieting it from worries and fears." Closing her eyes briefly, she inhaled the crisp and cool air when she got out of Edward's car at the school's parking lot carrying boxes which contained her oil painting materials.

It was a cloudy Saturday morning, and her friends were gentlemen enough to help her bring her stuff before they got to each of their classes.

They lugged all the oil painting materials around which she couldn't carry by herself.

Cathryn only had few bosom friends, but at least she had chosen the right ones.

It was hard to find reliable these days.

They walked her to her classroom and placed all her boxes at her station.

She didn't forget to thank them and kissed them both in the cheek before waving goodbye.

Cathryn attended one of her painting classes, and they were to submit an oil painting of the goddesses of their choice.

She had Alexander's brother as their art teacher today.

Perhaps, she could ask him about Alexander after this class and chat a little before they were going to have lunch.

The Art Professor had admired her work that was why they were close in a 'more-than acquaintances-level'.

Professor Andy was also the one who helped his art students sell their craft in an auction he organized for them every three months.

The Art Professor was both a teacher and professor himself, and he had connections with wealthy people.

He was good at making some of his talented art students rich by recommending their artwork to patrons who had large sums of money to throw away.

Cathryn had already started the sketches at home in a canvas, and all she needed to do was to complete them at school in a day.

It had to be done fast without sacrificing quality.

She didn't pick any Greek Goddesses because they were overrated.

Cathryn researched some mythology and lore last night and saved a lot of pictures of the goddesses she had chosen for the painting lessons.

Cathryn chose Lakshmi, a beautiful and benevolent Goddess of Fertility and Abundance.

Wearing golden crowns and large pieces of jewellery such as earrings, necklaces, armlets and bracelets, Lakshmi sat on the elephant's back which hovered beside a lake while its trunk splayed water playfully in the air.

Cathryn had made the waves of each water so delicately with different shades of green and blue mixed with yellows and oranges from the sunset in the background.

The other goddess she chose for her second project was Rhiannon, a lunar Welsh goddess who also meant 'great queen'.

According to the articles she had read, Rhiannon was used to be the muse of inspiration for poets, artists and royalty.

Cathryn painted the goddess Rhiannon outdoors and surrounded by the mountains and forests, riding her trusty white horse at night under the light of the moon and the stars.

She wore a green gown and a golden necklace around her neck, adorned with emeralds.

The sorceress had a garland of flowers on top of her brown hair, her transparent veil flowing into the wind.

To add something fun to it, Cathryn inconspicuously added a Knight holding Rhiannon's horse which appeared kind of similar to Alexander just for the fun of it.

At the same time, she made the goddess resembled herself.

Cathryn wondered what Professor Andy's reaction would be like when she passed the project to him.