Riley was my Bestfriend*

I stood at the side of the street, hailing a taxi cab for thirty minutes straight and all of them ignored me. Traffic rush is the reason and so, I asked Riley a favor.

Wait for me I'm almost there.

Thank you, Riley. I texted my best friend back. You're a lifesaver.

I sighed with relief. I'm glad Riley is free to pick me up. I checked my watch. Riley should be here by now. Finally, I spotted a familiar bright orange car that is too gorgeous to be driven.

Riley always drives me to school then back to my house but it's really hard to get used to riding her fancy car and trying not to gape every time I see and ride in it.

The vehicle slowed and idled just in front of me, the door creaked open and I slid across, settling on the back seat and soaking up the leather smell. But as the door clicked shut, I was more than shocked to find out that that the person behind the steering wheel is not my best friend, Riley.

The guy looked gorgeous in black shirt and jeans, his brown hair disheveled by the wind. He fiddled with the knob on the sound system and music blasted, sending base notes thrumming through the cushioned seats.

I noticed he had a tattoo of a golden cup on his right hand. That same symbol in the tarot card, Knight of Cups. My heart pounded wildly as I faked nonchalance. Goosebumps broke all over my skin as I stared at it.

Maybe, Riley got a sudden emergency and he asked this guy to drive her car and pick me up. Or perhaps this guy was her brother. Yeah, a brother she hadn't talked about ever since we met.

Or maybe, he's a criminal who stole her car or her phone?

Nope. Impossible.

Positive or negative thoughts aside, I'm not good at socializing with new people.

Please don't talk to me. I prayed. Please do not engage me with small talks.

"So how did it go?" He asked suddenly.

My eyes widened as he scanned my face as reflected in the front mirror. We locked eyes for a moment. Awkward, I was the first one to look away.

"P-Pardon?" I stuttered.

My heart skipped a beat when his lips did that familiar twitching thing as he threw me some snacks. I caught it hesitantly. It was Riley's favorite chips."What did the psychic tell you this time?"

Did Riley tell this person about it? Well, it's not like I told her to keep it a secret. But this stranger knew it and it feels like somehow, he's invading my privacy.

I pursed my lips, frowning. "How did you know about it?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He snorted. "I've been accompanying you every time you're obsessed with a new psychic in the city trying to get an accurate reading of your fate. I just refused to come with you recently. I told you about my chaotic family, didn't I?"

"Huh?" I blinked as I crossed my arms over my chest. It was only Riley who knew about this obsession of mine and she's my partner-in-crime during psychic visits.

Not this stranger!

What the fuck is wrong with him?

"What happened to you?" He spun in his seat and peered at me. "You seem pretty high. Did they drug you in there?"

"Umm." I hesitated, flicking him a glance. "I don't remember who---"

"What? So you suddenly had amnesia and you forgot about me after your psychic visit?" His lips curled into a half-smile. "Your only best friend?"

I bit my lip instead of my fingernails anxiously. We look at the same age. Maybe he's a distant cousin or something. One who looks like the male version of my best friend? Or maybe this guy is her hidden evil twin?

I wasn't that concerned with only the two of us alone in the car together earlier but now, I'm not sure.

"Who are you?" I snapped as I placed my hand over my heart, preparing myself for his answer. His electric blue eyes raked over me, then turned giving me his back.

"Me?" He let out a nervous laugh. "I'm Riley."

Since when did Riley become a boy?

"You are not her." I hugged myself and whispered, "Are you her brother or a cousin?"

"You can see?" His jaw dropped at that. Recovering, his mouth curved into a grimace, his fiery gaze never leaving mine. "What do you see when you look at me?"

"Definitely, not Riley," I replied silently.

"Did you drink something at the psychic's shop?" He asked urgently, his grip on the steering wheel was too tight, his knuckles went white. "Or any type of liquid given?"

"Nothing." I shrugged.

I only remember drinking something in the refreshment cart. That fruit-scented water, that's it. But I didn't tell him that.

That is none of his business.

"Did the psychic give you anything? Performed any magic spells? What did she look like?" He pressed on as my brain kept sending me warning signals. The way he interrogates me made me feel that he's dangerous.

"Nothing happened, okay?" I assured him gently, hoping that his irritation will just melt away. " I didn't get the reading I wanted. The moment she saw me, the psychic stared at me like I'm a freak and exorcised me out of their sight like some demon. You know the usual situation if Riley has told you about it..." I trailed off as I played with my fingers. "The psychic didn't perform spells or gave me anything."

"Anything at all?"

"Nope." I smiled brightly.

Looking tired all of a sudden, he scrubbed a hand down his face. "Then explain that little necklace around your neck."

I tensed and rubbed my forearms. This stranger didn't miss a single thing, did he?

"I found it on the ground." I lied as chills run down my spine. It must be the aircon. "I just picked it up and wear it because it's cute."

He drew in a long breath and sighed. "You have no fucking idea what you are wearing right now."

I tried calling Riley's number on my phone and the phone on the dashboard rang with the familiar "If You Seek Amy by Britney Spears" ringtone.

That's odd. He had Riley's car and phone.

"Why are you calling me?" He asked, cold anger rolling off him like waves.

I demanded, clenching my fists. "Where is Riley?"

He did not answer my question. The stranger was on edge as if he's a driver with road rage issues.

I held myself against a sharp turn, sweat trickling down my back. I grabbed the front seat for balance as the wheels move aggressively over the pavement. The car jerked and swayed as we turned corners or stopping at intersections.

I looked at the polished tinted windows.

Can I escape if I break it with my elbows? If only I could perform a simulation of some kind.

As if hearing my thoughts, I started to panic when I hear the ominous click of the locks securing me inside the car with him, trapping me inside.

He continued facing forward, silent the entire drive. All too soon the car slowed, easing a stop. My home loomed in front of me.

He knows where I lived.

"We're here." He announced.

He quickly hopped out of the driver seat and opened the car door, reaching out his hand to help me as a true gentleman.

"You're not planning anything sinister, are you?"I threw imaginary daggers at him with my eyes and tentatively placed my fingers against his.

Without any warning, he clasped my hand then drew it to his mouth for a quick kiss. His lips were soft and warm.

And, electrifying.

I pulled my hand back quickly as my head spun, the electric currents running through my body made me feel muddled and disoriented.

I cradled my aching head as I leaned on the car, my knees turning jelly. My body is heavy and sluggish as I struggled upright.

I narrowed my eyes at him and mumbled, "What did you do to me?"

The stranger stood far away from me, his sharp gaze scanning from left to right.

"I have done anything I could to help you, Cassandra. But maybe it was meant to happen."

My tongue felt swollen, my mouth felt dry. It feels like I have swallowed bitter cotton balls. Ugh, I wanted to throw up. "What are you talking about?"

"You had the Aegis wrapped around you so I wouldn't be able to protect you from the gods." He shook his head in pity. "They have located you, Cassandra, and now you're going to die."