Childhood Memories

 "People who belong to the House of Tarot had an intimate relationship with the invisible world. We commune with the Great Gods and Goddesses but most especially to the Three Fates which created the Golden Wheel of Fortune who holds our Destiny as their descendants." Cornelius explained without looking at me as if we weren't there.

As if he was talking to himself.

 "The world then becomes your oracle as it opens up and communicates everything you need in the form of signs, omens, and messages. The Heirs kick off the events needed in a domino effect of consequences for every action. We are all connected. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason." He continued, too was busy brushing some imaginary lint or dust on his canvas, too enamored by his creation. "You always have those moments when logic and reason fail to give you the full picture."