
"Gabriel." I held my breath, not attempting to disturb the spider in case it wanted to move somewhere else. I lay frozen on the swing bed, never taking my eyes off the little monster. "Help me."

Gabriel was still playing the violin. He probably didn't hear me. Well, I was whispering since I didn't want to terrify the fucking spider.

"Gabriel," I called out again, but this time, it was louder. The spider got startled and it climbed higher, dangerously close to my bare collarbone.

Shit. The monster would like to gain access to the globes of my breast.

"Gabriel!" I screamed for the third time.

He had finally lifted his bow from the violin strings and looked at me.


Gabriel returned his instrument to its black velvet case and set them aside before sauntering in my direction. The bastard was too slow to realize that for me it was a life and death situation.