Horse from Nowhere

A light brown stallion that has a white spot on its forehead trotted in our direction.

It suddenly came out of nowhere in the middle of the woods, entering from the curtains of thick green vines with white flowers as if it was its grand entrance to our haven beside the waterfalls. 

Lysander didn't need to be pushed off me since he had already scrambled to block the horse in case it wanted to stomp on the lunch boxes and my lying form on the picnic blankets.

Lysander hurriedly approached it, stretching his arms in front of the horse before it could even approach our camp.

Covering my body with a towel, I watched the horse pause as if it had understood that it couldn't trespass our space further.

"Stop it," Lysander told the horse in a commanding tone as he raised one palm ahead of him. "Don't even try."

I placed both of my hands on Lysander's back so that I could pull him backward just in case the horse would head butt and squash him.