a helper

Hua stands besides you with her warm clammy hand gripping onto your shoulder; a thing she does often when she's worried about you.

What do you do when worried?

Nyar has got her arm around Barrows waist keeping her cautious lover close, the others are standing close to your temporary chair facing the small audience of people.

Hua walks forward and points her arm out towards you as she says, "as you can our leader has had an accident and is recovering from shock."

You go to cut in but Barrow holds you in your place, and looks you in the eyes. You understand what he means with out him having to say anything.

Hua continues. "So I will be stepping in for them for the time being, if you have any problems with your work, then please come straight to me."

The small crowd of people looks to you as if asking if this is true, you bow your head in return to the stares, and the crowd starts filing out of the meeting area. As the people who were standing behind you start to move forward as if to form a semi circle around you.

Do you have a small or large group of friends?

They are expecting an explanation as to how you got so spooked, instead of answering them you show them the memory; this is easy but exhausting if done continuously, once your in control of people its simple. You just have to think of the memory, and the people you want to share it with. You show them how you jumped from Dae Hyun's head to Zhuang's and how they had called the eyeless man, who spoke so clearly in his mind "brother", and how you had slid off the chair onto the floor bringing the mug with you.