>Yes you can, put on that weird looking eyeglass there, there may be a little prick so don't be surprised<

"So what can i expect when i log in?"

>Just your typical VRMMO stuffs, i know you read some right?<

"Yes yes I know, how can this small thing hold all the mechanics of a full dive device?"

>Don't question it, just think that it was one of the mystery of infinite universe<

"Ehhhhhhhhh, well ok then, can you teach me how can i get inside?"

>Just shout to the top of your lungs 'LINK START~~!'<

I did not even hesitate, heh you may think that i am an idiot buuuut~ yes you are right, i just want to say it, i was so excited when i know i can go to a Virtual World.

I'm at a white empty room and there's a platform in the middle, I went inside then a hologram of myself appeared, besides the hologram, the stat screen appeared, there are only 3 main stats, PHYS, MENT and SOUL.

PHYS means physical, it holds all physical stats like STR, AGI, DEX etc. MENT means mental, it holds all the mental parts like INT, WIS, MAG DEF etc. SOUL is the most mysterious one. It only determines how many skills you can have. The higher your Star Rank is the higher your soul will become.

If you are 1s then you can only have one 1s skill.

The basic stats for a normal human is like

Name: KaynSimpEmperor

Rank: 1 Star

Class: Novice

HP: 100

MP: 100







(A: 1Phys = 100hp and 10Phys = 1def, 1Ment = 100mp and 10Ment = 1def, 100Soul = 1skill cap, the first skill is a freebie)

The stats are simple enough to understand. There's a random box freebie for new players. I clicked it. I thought that i would only get one however i got a random race, one 1s skill creation, newbie set and 10 stats points.

I opened the random race and i got a

"Superior Human Blood detected cannot be changed"

So I got a human race. What a bland race. I looked at my avatar panel and i still have those Nature Dragon look and my race is still human. Hayysss

Then I click the skill creation. I modded it with op effects however it cannot be saved. I need to think of op yet only classified as tier 0(special tier or 0 star) that is deemed suitable by the system. I said to Red that don't help me inside the game because I want to experience it as an avid gamer. I'm not like those cheaters.

(A: Tier will be the new ranking system for skills because calling it a 1 Star Skill is not read friendly)

I think hard for about half an hour and i came up a pretty op for any tier however still classified as a tier 0


Passive: If you win in any game of chance that is lower by 50% you will be rewarded random stat points depending on how low the odds are

+10 luck

Active: Challenge yourself to a game of chance with the luck stat disabled, depending on how low the odds are you will be randomly given a mystery gift

CD: 1 per day

hidden attribute: ???

What's with the hidden attribute? Why can't I see it? I am the one who created it right?

"Hey Red! What's with this?"

>I do not know either. Maybe there is a similar skill in the Virtual World?<

"Ohhh is that so? I'll just ignore it maybe someday i will know"

I distributed my 10 sp to 4-3-3 then I clicked enter.

I was teleported inside a town, I looked down and I saw a magic circle. I ignored it then wandered around not knowing what to do then I stumbled upon a lottery draw managed by a super beautiful red haired female.

I was naturally attracted by the lottery draw and yes she's pretty however she is secondary. Maybe i'll talk to her after i test my skill

"Uhmm?? is this free? Can I try?"

"Ohhh a newbie!! Normally i'll charge for 5 silver however since you are a newbie i'll let you try once"

"Thank you!! By the way what is the grand prize?"

"Fufufu it's a secret"

What a mysterious woman. I'll just test my skill there's nothing to lose anyway.

I activated my skill then put my hand inside then grabbed one ball

It was a black ball

"Congratulations you won the special prize!"

(You have been given 20 sp and a tier 0 mystery gift)

"So what prize did i win?"

"Fufufu even though you did not win the grand prize, the SPP is good or bad. Here's your prize!"

She gave a random summoning pet orb. There are so many random prizes since I started playing, is the system bugged? or am i bugged?

She instructed me how to use the summoning orb, I pinched it till it broke, then a magic circle suddenly appeared around me. I heard a high pitch bird cry, when I saw what summoned its beak alone is 1 meter long with a silver luster, i can feel the sharpness that it exudes. Its beak is 3 times longer than its body. The front of the wing just like the beak silver luster with sharpness.

Limit Breaking Sword Bird

Rank: 5 Star

(Limit breaking sword bird is the variant of a Sword Bird. Sword Birds are just 1s creature and they will never break the 2s barrier. However in this infinite universe there will always be an exception)


Limit Break


Expend 99% of HP and MP to deal 500% of your attack and guaranteed critical strike.


Chance to execute: 100% to a normal mob lower rank than the holder, 10% if the enemy is 1 rank higher, 1% for any rank boss and below 1% for any higher form bosses (world boss etc)

(Sword Bird: If i can't even one shot a boss why would i call myself Limit Breaking?)

(Hidden Attribute: Limit? what is that? Is it delicious?)

Sword Transformation: I can turn into a sword