This is too unfair!

When i woke up we are already approaching a cabin besides a lake

"Wow so there's a beautiful place like this here!"

'I heard from the townsfolk that there's a cabin in the woods besides a lake, i'm planning to make this my home'

We parked the carriage then let loose the horses, they are trained to come back when called so no worries about there

She opened the cabin then stepped inside, there's nothing inside besides chairs and table

(Quest 1 Cleared)

What do you mean 1?

(quest notif: 2/??

Help Aerna settle down

reward: 10 sp


Yes yes accept, i've something like this, the mythical Chain Quest!

Since it's already dusk we prepared food then we ate it naturally, and since i can't go back to town, Aerna let me use the other room.

When i close my door, i log out to eat some sweet potatoes, red teleported me to the fields to pick some up, usually as long as i don't take too much my grandparents let me pick some up however i recently just knew that my grandparents will let me take some, before i just stealthily go to the field mis**on impossible style, my grandparent didn't tell me until recently because they said that it's amusing,

I went back to the woods to gather dry leaves and sticks, I buried the sweet potatoes with dry leaves then lit it up, minutes passed and my sweet potatoes were cooked.

I went to get a bucket full of water, I poured it on the fire to put it out. I don't want to start a wildfire, well it won't be a wildfire anymore tho.

After I finished relinquishing my gluttony, I commanded Red to pick me up then logged back in, it's already morning, I told Red to fast forward it, wahhh this isn't cheating this is just using my connection, i don't feel guilty at all.


3 days passed in the real world, my daily chores didn't change, i just woke up earlier to have more playtime, a week has passed inside the game, i already finished 19 quest and i think i have the last one

(quest notif: 20/20

Exterminate the lord of the mountain by yourself

reward: 1 Lottery Ticket

(Note: Failing to complete the task or declining will revert your stats to 1 and all of your accumulated sp will be confiscated)


WTF!!! This just got real!! Why the sudden punishment? I've been doing quests and I didn't receive any punishment, and now i was forced to defeat the lord, i don't even know how strong that creature is!

"Hey Aerna since you are the one who issued me this quest, do you know how strong it is?"

'Maybe mid to peak 2 Star? I am not quite sure too'

"How am i suppose to defeat that if i am only at peak 1 star?"

'You keep complaining that you are weak, what did Birdy do when he won't accept that he is weak? I'm sure he's laughing at you right now'

I was speechless,

because a bird is still much more brave than me, i feel ashamed that i didn't even try to fight it, before complaining.

I rested for a day before confronting my enemy, i am nervous, if i fkked up i will be back at square one, i only have 100 to all stats and my enemy will have thrice of what i have, may not, Peko's stats are not so balanced distributed, it have way more SOUL than PHYS and MENT, and since it is also a monster maybe it only have 1 or 2 maxed stats,

I checked my stats to strategize dealing with thrice with currently i have

Name: KaynSimpEmperor

Rank: 1 Star

Class: Novice

HP: 10 000

MP: 10 000

DMG: 100




LUC: 10




Stat points: 520


Limit Break


Expend 99% of HP and MP to deal 500% of your attack and guaranteed critical strike.


Chance to execute: 100% to a normal mob lower rank than the holder,

10% if the enemy is 1 rank higher, 1% for any rank boss and below 1% for any higher

form bosses (world boss etc)

(Hidden: ???)

I gathered those sp with the quests and 1s crystals, no matter what i do i can't seem to surpass the 100 limit of 1 Star, i have many sp's and its useless right now.

I still have the mystery gift i should open it

(Super Evasion have been acquired)
