
Kim Yoora looked at Min Young Jae's house strangely. She still remembers the first time she came to this house which was very crowded with many servants. And also Min Young Jae's mother. But now Kim Yoora saw that this house looked deserted and not maintained at all.

"How many days has this house been empty? There's a lot of dust." said Kim Yoora, her hand turned to a wooden chair and stared at the dust stuck to her hand.

Min Young Jae is confused about what to do. It's also impossible for him to tell the truth, if his family is in the Hwang Kingdom. The one with Kim Yoora will definitely be furious at Min Young Jae, because he feels he has been lied to all this time.

The man cleared his throat for a moment and glanced at the door, which was still perfectly open. "Eomma when she goes all the housekeepers are downstairs by her. That's why the house is dusty, and there's only me living in this house."

Kim Yoora turned quickly and looked at Min Young Jae in disbelief. "Oh my.., why don't you have one servant? So how many days has this house not been swept?"

Min Young Jae scratched the nape of his neck, then raised three fingers in the air, making Kim Yoora widen her eyes perfectly.

"Oh my God, three days without being swept? Not cleaning? Can you live with the dust?" said Kim Yoora in disbelief.

The man chuckled, "Let alone living with dust. I can live with you too."

Kim Yoora rolled her eyes lazily. She immediately took a long broom, and started cleaning the house. But swiftly Min Young Jae immediately forbade Kim Yoora to do this.

"Don't hold anything. It's not your responsibility. Let's get some rest, I'll make some tea for you." said Min Young Jae and grabbed the broom in Kim Yoora's hand, then threw the broom away.

Of course, Kim Yoora was immediately surprised by Min Young Jae's behavior. Moreover, the man immediately grabbed Kim Yoora's hand and asked her to sit down.

Together with dust, Kim Yoora even sneezed. Min Young Jae panicked and confused what to do. All he did was take the broom, and clean Kim Yoora's seat. So Kim Yoora inhaled the dust and made her sneeze again.

"Gosh.., what should I do?" Min Young Jae shrieked in confusion.

"Stop it!! Or I'll just keep sneezing." shouted Kim Yoora.

Min Young Jae threw the broom and pulled Kim Yoora's hand to a cleaner place. Although there is still dust, at least Min Young Jae doesn't make the dust fly and cause Kim Yoora to sneeze again.

"Okay. Sit down, I'll make some tea for you."

Kim Yoora just mumbled in response. Then sat on a pretty clean wooden chair. While waiting for Min Young Jae to serve tea, Kim Yoora had to find a tissue or anything to clean the dust. But unfortunately, Kim Yoora forgot that she lived in the age of dinosaurs where handkerchiefs are still the most expensive in this era.

"Drink ..," said Min Young Jae and put hot tea in front of Kim Yoora. "But I don't know how it tastes. Because it's my first time making tea." he said unconvincingly.

Kim Yoora took a deep breath, she looked at the tea in front of her suspiciously. Not because I suspected it was poison or anything. Kim Yoora was only afraid that the tea would cause Kim Yoora's stomach to hurt.

And somehow Kim Yoora thought. If you want to defecate, you have to go to the river first, not to the toilet or maybe a public toilet.

"But... you have a bathroom, right? Is there a toilet?" asked Kim Yoora subconsciously and looked at Min Young Jae.

And the man just stared at Kim Yoora's words. That said if the man did not know what Kim Yoora meant. Not wanting to ask too many questions, Kim Yoora immediately enjoyed Min Young Jae's tea which was not too bad. Although not sweet but can still be enjoyed.

"What tea is this?" asked Kim Yoora looking at Min Young Jae expectantly. Hoping that the man would explain the tea he drank.


"Yujacha?" Kim Yoora repeated looking at Min Young Jae confused.

Tea from boiled Yuzu skin is thinly sliced ​​and added with sugar. Which has a sour taste and is also fresh.


Kim Yoora was forcibly dragged by some of Kim Won Shik's soldiers, and threw her violently. So that the woman immediately fell under Kim Won Shik's feet.

The woman immediately clenched her fists in anger and stood up, staring intently at Kim Won Shik. As if she was not afraid of Kim Won Shik's gaze.

"Lower your eyes Princess Kim Hyo Ra!! You're dealing with the Emperor of the Daegu Empire!!" Jae Hwa exclaimed.

Not that according to Kim Yoora, she pulled a small chair and table as well. Then pulled right in front of Kim Won Shik. Kim Yoora impolitely sat with her feet on the table.

"Princess Kim Hyo Ra!!" shouted Kim Won Shik angrily.

"It's okay, don't be angry. Get old quickly. Calm yourself Emperor Kim Won Shik, and sit quietly." Kim Yoora replied as calmly as possible and played with her feet casually.

Kim Won Shik clenched his fists in anger, he stood up from his throne and approached Kim Yoora. He brushed off the woman's legs roughly, causing Kim Yoora to fall from her seat.

"That chair tomorrow, don't forget to change it, it's higher. Just sit until you can't!!" said Kim Yoora, averting the sight of Kim Won Shik.

But there was the old man instead slapping Kim Yoora, causing the woman to fall under Kim Won Shik's feet again.

"You must know your limits, Princess Kim Hyo Ra!!" Kim Won Shik hissed while pointing at Kim Yoora.

Instead of being angry or anything, Kim Yoora rose from her fall. Holding her red cheeks and bleeding a little at the corners of her lips.

"I know my limits very well, Emperor Kim Won Shik!! I didn't even do anything wrong, and you keep punishing me!!"

Kim Won Shik, who was really angry, immediately slapped Kim Yoora a second time. "What did you say!! Didn't do anything wrong? Are you aware of Princess Kim Hyo Ra?"

It's true, Kim Yoora until now did not know what was wrong with her. Then where is Kim Yoora's fault?

"I am well aware of Emperor Kim Won Shik. I didn't even commit any fatal mistakes. And you will punish me right? Emperor Kim Won Shik, please open your eyes and see!! The prediction you believed in was wrong!!! You should have believed in God more, not in a damn book that doesn't know its origins."

"What are you saying, Princess? This book is true as it is. And it can't be wrong. I predict your destiny." Says Suan Ming

Suan Ming is a famous fortune teller in China, he has been fortune telling in Daegu Kingdom for a long time, that's why he is most trusted here.

"You heard that, didn't you, Princess Kim Hyo Ra? Suan Ming can't possibly misread your destiny!! Don't refute anything I say, or I'll--"

"Or what? You're going to punish me?" cut Kim Yoora annoyed. She wasn't even afraid that the old man would punish her. "I will not be afraid of your punishment Emperor Kim Won Shik." he said in a loud voice.

"Dae Hyun, put Princess Kim Hyo Ra in the dungeon!! Make sure that Princess Kim Hyo Ra doesn't get dinner!!" Kim Won Shik orders firmly.

-To Be Continued-