
The sound of footsteps made Kim Yoora smile a little. She also looked at the pair of feet that stopped in front of her. The person was wearing a veil and also a head covering. So Kim Yoora doesn't know who is currently standing in front of her.

"What do you want? Want to force me to eat? I won't want to eat a piece of this palace!!" said Kim Yoora so arrogantly.

Instead of anything, it would be better if Kim Yoora died along with her baby in a state of starvation. In Bandung she had to die poisoned by the food they gave her.

The man didn't answer anything, he untied a rope that tied Kim Yoora's body. Of course it immediately made Kim Yoora surprised. The next second, Kim Yoora thought that the rain of people must have deliberately released Kim Yoora so that he could kill Kim Yoora outside of captivity.

"Go. Before Dong Yu and Jae Hwa come." he said.

"Why did you release me!! Aren't you working under their feet?" Kim Yoora pouted.