chapter thirteen

"Peek-a-boo" I say in a baby voice as I blew bubbles into Archie's belly, he squirms with a smile on his face making huffing sounds. I chuckled and did it again, which made him do it again. Looking up at Xavier who was looking through the booklet of places where we could get married, I mean I was looking through it too, but I decided to check on Archie.

Booping his nose I turn to Xavier and see a picture that catches my attention, it was a outside theme, it was beautiful, I tap the page, catching Xavier's attention. "You like that one?" Xavier asked looking at the picture "of course" I said smiling "then I like it too" Xavier said a hand on my lower back. It was a biker wedding ideal "one thing down so next!" DJ said putting a different book in front of us, oh Jesus.

So the next few hours the planning was set and so was the date, which is a month from now, we didn't want the wedding to be pushed back to far so we decided a month from now.

"So where are we going again?" I asked Jess, which who dragged me out of bed and made me change promising that DJ would take care of Archie, which is what scared me. Then I ended up in a car and that's it. "We Missy, are going to pick out your wedding dress" Jess squealed which made my ears hurt, cringing I sigh giving up not wanting to argue. "Okay fine" I said, I wasn't much of a dressy girl. After about ten minutes we pulled up in front of a bridle shop, taking off my seatbelt I get out the car and look up at the store, it was nice but fancy.

"Let's do this!" Jess said excited, shouldn't I be the one excited? I'm confused. But whatever. We walked into the store and dresses were everywhere. "Hello how can I help you?" A woman in her 20's asked us, I step forward "hi. I'm looking for a dress that will go with a biker themed wedding" I asked that may of sounded more like a question than a request.

"Okay, well please follow me and we will find you a dress" she said before turning away down the isle of dressed, I followed her and looked around, she grabbed a few dressed and walked to the changing room. "Okay here you go, we will be right outside" she said hanging up the dressed on the hook that was on the wall. I thank her and she closed the curtain, sighing I turned to the dressed and looked at the first one, it was a little puffy, white and it was laced and strapless.

Taking off my clothes, I left on my strapless bra and underwear before putting on the dress and zipped it up. Turning I looked in the mirror, I looked well different, sighing again I left the changing room, Jess looked up and squealed clapping her hands before taking a picture of me "you look so beautiful" Jess said "I agree" the lady said. "I don't know about this one" I said, turning in a circle looking in the mirror at the dress, it just didn't fit me.

"Then go take it off and try on the next one" Jess said leaning back against the couch, walking back barefoot into the changing room, closing the curtain behind me, I take off the dress and put it back on the hanger. Looking through the dressed one of them catches my eye, it was off the shoulder mermaid dress, smiling I try it on and it fit really well, zipping it up I put a strand of hair behind my ear. "You okay in there?" Jess asked behind the curtain "yeah I'm fine" I said before stepping out, Jess gasped and covered her mouth "does it look bad?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror.

"No, you look gorgeous" Jess said taking another picture of me, smiling again I turn to her "this is the one" I said, the lady that was helping us smiled and turned to me "okay, go get changed and I'll meet you at the cash register" she said, I nodded and went back behind the curtain and changed, neatly hanging it up I get dressed and bring the dress with me to the counter. Giving her the dress, she rings it up and tells me the price, I went to pay but Jess stopped me "hey no, Xavier told me to use his card" Jess said. "I can pay for it" I said "no" she said before swiping the card in the keyboard.

She put it in the bag and handed me the dress "thank you, have a wonderful day and I hope you have a amazing wedding" she said, I thanked her and we left "okay to the next store!" Jess said once we were in the car, I silently groan, but I remain silent. We headed to a shoe store, once we stepped inside all hell broke lose, Jess was running to the back of the store to the heals, I slowly followed behind her. She grabbed a pair of white heals and turned to me "how about these?" Jess asked.

"Their pretty" I said honestly "they will so match your dress" Jess said looking at the pictures she took of my dress on her phone and back at the heals. Then she nodded, dragging me to the chair to try them on, sitting down I took off my shoes and put my heals on. "They fit?" Jess asked watching me, I nodded and walked around the heals clicking against the ground as I walked. "Good, now we have one more stop to go to" Jess said. Tired I nod before taking off the heals and putting my shoes back on, we pay for the heals and left the store, getting in the car we head to the last place.

It was a Vail shop, smiling it was a nice place, for sure. Getting out of the car we head inside and look around "now we need to find a Vail that will match your dress" Jess said, I nodded "okay" I said. Looking around I find a very nice Vail, it was long, it had flower designs in it, if I wore it with my dress it would drag a few inches behind me. I show it to Jess and she agreed to it, you see Jess is my dresser, she gets me ready and all that stuff.

"So you like it?" Jess asked me.

"Yeah, I think It will match it" I said before we walked to the counter where a man stood behind the cash register "is that all for you ladies" he asked ringing up the price for the Vail. "Yes" I said, he nodded and put the Vail in a bag neatly. We pay and thank him before leaving the store and going to the car, heading back to the house.

Xavier rubbed circles on my hips as we laid on the couch "so did you have fun?" Xavier asked kissed me on the top of my head, I look up at him "yeah, surprisingly" I said chuckling.

"Good, I'm happy that you had fun" Xavier said, I nodded "so how was your day with little Archie?" I asked playing with Xavier's hand. "It was eventful" Xavier said "wow, that's a big word for you" I joked which earned me a snack on the butt, I squealed trying to hold his arm from my butt. Xavier laughed, his head falling back, and I mean a full on throw your head back holding your stomach laughing kind of laugh.

I started to laugh with him, it was contagious I swear, I heard heals clicking, we both looked up to see a feminine side of DJ, he wore a brown wig, makeup, a tight dress and heals. I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore, bursting out laughing, DJ scoffed at me since I was laughing at him "you dare to laugh at this lady!" DJ said putting his hand on his hip and flipping his hair off his shoulder. "IT'S UNACCEPTABLE!!!" DJ squealed out dancing his way around the living room to the baby crib. I get up and gentle grabbed Archie before DJ could "I don't want my son to look at you, it's unbearable" I said my shoulders shaking.

Scolding me, he glared at me "fine whatever I don't need you to look at me" DJ said before turning to Xavier who was now sitting on the couch. "Babe, how do I look?" DJ said to Xavier which made me laugh, Xavier look horrified, turning away "oh my God, you think I'm ugly! After I spent a hour to look beautiful for you!" DJ said fake crying before sprinting out the room in heals, but not before kissing Xavier's cheek, which was the last straw fro Xavier, he got up from the couch and chased DJ out the room who was screaming profanities as he went. I chuckled down at Archie who was looking up at me "your uncle is something else" I said