A new world

Ella woke to find her self in a whole new world. Looked around in a place that was not the room she grew up in. The place was made of wood beams. She could hear the wind blowing between the wood beams. She found her self on someone bed. A quilt on top of her. She looked down to see a linen dress? What is she wearing? This is not what she wears. The feel of it. Is not right. For one it very itchy and it smell like goat? Why? Why is this happening?

She looked around once more. A chair was place next to the bed and a stand. On the stand was a bowl of water. She looked to the side of her and found a small cloth. Wet. She must had a fever. She never been sick before. But than she remembered. Who ever lives here will ask her questions? But what can she say. She will have to think and fast. First, her name. Think. Think. A name. She have to think of a name.

The door to the room opened. A young man walk in the room. He stop half way in the room. A total shock came over his face. She turn to look who enter the room. The young man appears can revel to her young brother. Ash blond hair and deep blue eyes. His handsome features made her heart stopped. His clothes didn't do him justices. He should be in silk not this foul odor of goat skin. His garments were simple brown tunic and green pant. He recovered from the shock. He put on a smile for her. The smile he gave her bright the room.

"I seen you are awake. I was told that you will sleep for another two more days. My mother is the village healer. I found you and brought you to her." He walked over to her. His hand rose to touch the top of her head.

"Good no fever. Mother was very worried that you caught a very bad sickness. You been a sleep for four days." Went she said nothing he continues to watch her. He took a deep breath.

"I found you alone. Out in the woods. I look everywhere to find your parents or at least someone that was with you. Can you tell me why you were in the woods or at least you tell me your name?" Went she still said nothing.

"Alright. You take your time. You might still be sick. I will have mother make you something to eat. I will be right back. Don't be afraid. We will not hurt you." He turn out the door.


Alejo Looked back at bedroom door. The little boy was so helpless. He felt that he need to protect him. What shock him was the fact that he looked at the little boy for the first, he felt like he was struck by lightning. The little boy cuteness was breathtaking. His hair was long. He almost look like a girl. He long brown hair came down and touch the bed. He has the most beautiful green eyes he have ever seen. It was almost as green as a forest.

He was in the forest gathering fire wood went he saw the little boy. He drop the wood he was carrying and ran to him. At first he thought the child was a girl. Turn the girl over to see her cover in mud. What little clothing she had on was a Fabric he have never seen before. To big for her tiny body. It too was cover in mud. If he had to guess without the mud on it, it would be white. He looked at her wrists and arms. She seem to had been tie up that one time. He pick her up and ran to the village. Past all the house not stopping until he was home.

"MOTHER, MOTHER." He shouted at the top of his lungs. His mother came out the kitchen. His mother being a beautiful woman. Her kind smile made her beauty more radiant. Her black hair with a little gray on the temples was in a bun. Her brown eyes shine like the sun to him. Saw her son and a little child in his arms. She ran up to both of them. Right now she was check the child.

"Bring the child in." Alejo did as his mother asked. He put the child in the extra bedroom. Careful not to hurt her. His mother came in with a bowl of water and started cleaning the child.

"Alejo bandages, and the ointment. In my wardrobe, bottom drawer. There some clothes for a small child. Go now." With that he ran out of the room to do as he was told. He gather the bandages and the ointment. Took them to the room. Than ran to his mother room looking for the clothing. After going thur the drawers. He found what he was looking for. He ran back to his mother side. During that time, his mother had clean up the little child. His mother was the first to say that the little girl was a boy. A little boy. His mind was a bit confusion.

"Did you say a little boy, mother?"

"Yes, I have no idea why he is alone out there. But I do know that he went through a great deal. We will see if he wish to live."

"Why you say that?"

"The child may have been an slavery or been in kidnap. We will have to wait to see which one he was in. It might be awhile, which he is running a fever. I can say five or seven days. He will wake from this. Until than we will watch over him."

He waited patiently until the child woke up. In the kitchen his mother was baking bread.

"Mother, he is a wake." She smile at him. To him she was the most beautiful girl. No one can replace her in his eyes. She wipe her hands on her apron. Move to the bedroom to check on her patient. She looked at the bed and found it empty. Her little patient disappeared. She ran out of the room. Into the main room. There is no child. Running to the kitchen to look. Only her son was there.

"Alejo, go outside and find the little boy. He ran off."

"He ran off?" Alejo search the whole village. Asking anyone if they have seen him. One or two seen him running to the forest. Alejo ran to the forest. There are dangerous animals in the forest and a little boy is a great food source for them. They like them young and alone. He panicked.