The god of prophecy

Lucerne look at the boy. To them he look mortal too but he was a god through and through. Alejo on the other hand. Think this man is crazy to take on him father. He will not take the little boy. He promises his mother the he will take care of him. Watch out for him.

"Give us the little boy and we will not have any problems."

"I can not do it. For you see I have been looking for him." So this is the one that put the little boy in so much. Alejo jump at Lucerne to take Ella back. Lucerne flew on to the tree branch. Both father and son shock on how Lucerne flew on the branches. Ella woke up to see her brother looking at the pair. She turn her head to see Alejo and a old version of Alejo. The two of them standing there dumbfounded.

"Brother did I miss something?" Lucerne looked at his brother/sister. He sign. He search his pocket and pulled out the heart stone. Ella eyes with wide.

"My heart stone."

"I am sorry sister. I only have a piece of your heart stone. We will find the others pieces soon." He put the stone around her neck. The power of the stone took her fever away and give her the chance to breathe some of her power. She was still a little boy. Lucerne look at her.

"Why are you still in that body."


Alejo and his father turn to other another. Was this little boy a god? And why did he called him sister? Lucerne jump down off the tree. Lucerne put Ella down. She turn to the two mortal.

"I am sorry that I could not tell you who I am. In light of my brother bring me a piece of my heart stone. It seen that I have three more piece to find."

"I can see that we have done injustice to the two of you. We are sorry. Please forgive us. Holy Ones." Alejo father pull Alejo down to the ground. They were on their knees before them. Ella and Lucerne stare that the two of the them.



"We need them."


"I am the god of prophecy." Ella sign.

"Very well." Lucerne wave his hand for the two to get up. Alejo and his father stood up.

"What are you called?"

"Alejo, Holy Ones."

"Michael." The white fox run to Ella. Jump in her arms. Lucerne wave his hand again. The four of them and one fox reappeared at the edge of the village.

"Why here?"

"Well we need to stay somewhere for the night. We will leave in the morning." Ella nodded. Michael lead the way to the his family home.

"I am just wondering why I am still in this small body."

"You got me there. It may have to do with the heart stone in pieces."

"I wish father could tell me a little more about the heart stone. He just told me to take care of it."

"Well I readied in father book on it. The heart stone is one of pieces of the star of hope. It just a small piece of it."

"The star of hope? I never heard of it."

"I am not surprised father didn't tell you. There one reason why." He put a finder at her. "That stone has one the power of a star. And not just a star. The star of hope holds the dreams and hope of humanity. Father use that to save you. You can change humanity and us."

"What do you mean?" She stop to look at Lucerne. Lucerne fidget his fingers. "Lucerne tell me."

"You can change the destiny of those around you. Or you can destroy it." Ella jaw dropped. "Right now the stone can't do that. But once you get all the pieces you can. But I will tell you not to change anyone destiny. There might be a drawback to it and you might lose your life."

"Father is crazy to give me this stone."

"Well it was the only way to save you. You might say it was your destiny to have it. We all have powers that are different to each other. I don't think I remember what you power are."

"Father told me but he said that it will change as time goes on. I think it the same as father but there is a different. I can't undo my spell. Once my spell are place I can not undo them. Father has to undo them for me." Lucerne stay quiet until they reach the house. Michael took his wife to the side. Alejo, Ella and Lucerne sat at the table. The white fox sat on Ella lap. Alejo try many time to ask a question. He couldn't put two words together.

"Lucerne how are the rest of our brothers and sisters?" Lucerne looked away.
"Lucerne?" He stayed quite. She pet the fox to comfort her self. Finally Michael and his wife join them at the table.

"So my husband tell me you are a god?"

"That is correct." She turn to Ella.

"What about you little one?" Ella stay quiet for awhile.
"I am also a god, but a goddess is more to my likely."

"....." Lucerne turn to the couple.

"I don't want to inconvenience you for one night. Me and my sister have to be on are way in the morning. Also I like to reward you for caring of my sister. So what can I reward you with."

"Brother, it supposed to be me that reward them."

"How can you do that. You just got some of you powers back. I must say what little that they are you can't even stop me or Kell right now." Ella steam red that the sight of Lucerne.

"I will get my power back just you wait and see."

"Without my help you can't."

"Some god of prophecy you turn out to be. We are in a big mess. With little to no help we have. I can not see any possibility to win against Kell." Lucerne embarrassed looks. They sat silent for a moment.

"I suppose introducing are called for. I am Lucerne, the god of prophecy and the little boy is my sister, Orabella. We call her Ella." Alejo was stump.
"Did you say sister?"

"Oh, right. Let just say she going through a little hiccup. She really a woman."

"A hiccup you say, Brother." Lucerne turn away from Ella. "Should I tell you what happened why you were away."

"NO sister. I didn't think that you would mind. I just mention you in this form. I did not think for one second that Kell would betray us. I did not see it come. You know my powers are not absolute." Lucerne put up his hands to stop whatever. She will throw at him. Ella powers are not stable. She still needs a few more days to recover them. She wish for a lighting bolt. Ella pointed out to the family.

"That one is Alejo, and you met his father, Michael. That one is his mother Sara." The whole family was surprised she remembered their names.

"I didn't think you stay this long in one place."

"Well I did try to run. But Alejo kept bring me back and the fever as well."

"Well now that your fever is gone. How bout I make supper for us." Lucerne and Ella look at each other.

"I am sorry but we don't need to eat anything. Gods can not indigent food like you." Sara did not think at was right.

"What a bout the little boy there? He ate food." Ella signed.

"That because of my power and my heart stone was missing. I need the energy for the food you eat. Even just for one day. My body didn't take to well to it. That is why I have the fever. We are born out the universe energy."




"Ella I don't think they understand this."

"Oh right. You get some of the picture."

"Let us leave the room. While they eat dinner. You can tell me what happen."