Playing the part

Tapper felt something shake him. He groggily opened his eyes.

A middle aged lady with a stern expression and seaweed colored hair in bun was the first thing he saw.

Confusion settled in his mind.

Unlike any of the usual people that he interacted with, her clothes were shiny and neat. It was obviously made with expensive material that Tapper cannot afford.

The only thing not so expensive and neat about the woman that shook him awake was her white apron with a tint of yellow.

'Who is this lady?'

From her age, hands, posture, and et cetera, the woman was some head maid of some large noble.

It took a split second for Tapper to analyse this before he became more confused.

He sat up very quickly startling the woman.

Tapper looked around for the familiar figure of Ink before he recalled the events prior to falling unconscious.

'George and his death.

'Wayde Tourey…

'It seems that Lord Wayde brought me here… but for what reason?'

A voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Young child. It seems you have awoken. Then let us proceed with your training. "

Tapper was even more confused but he did not interrupt.

'Training? Is there something that Lord Wayde wants me to do.'

That must have been the main reason why Tapper had been kidnapped.

Seeing that Tapper was quietly listening instead of interrupting like typical children, the Head maid was pleased.

Last night, the Master had sneakingly reentered the mansion while hauling an unconscious boy by the leg.

She didn't know where Lord Wayde had gotten this kid from or why he was so stealthy about it as well but he had been extremely dirty.

She knew that for the Master to personally bring him, the kid must have had something different about him.

She realized that there really was a difference.

Of course, it was only that Lord Wayde's eyes were good, not that Tapper was excellent.

"Prior to your awakening, you have already been washed so pay attention to your hygiene. You are to be educated in basic etiquette and response.

"There are three rules that you have to follow.

" As a servant, your job is to obey and not question regardless of whatever your opinion on it is…."

The head maid paused.

"Actually, just don't have any opinions."

"Second rule; do not ever EVER disclose the Master's secrets. No matter who asks you. Even Master's own family is included in the category.

"Finally, do not assume that you are of equal status as Master. So unless he directly orders you to do so, even if he speaks to you casually, you cannot respond in the same manner.

"Always keep in mind your status and don't overstep any boundaries.

"Your schedule is as follows…" the Head maid proceeded into a long winded monologue.

But Tapper had gained what he needed to know.

Apparently, he was kidnapped… to help clean the house?!

Also… obey and not question… where was he supposed to practice his verbal skills?

But most importantly, why is it worth the trouble to turn him into a servant anyways??

Tapper became mired in his self pity and distress when a butler came to show him around.

Despite feeling not so good, Tapper still carefully memorized the paths of the mansion.

Also he kept track of smaller details he had noticed around the hallways such as;

where are there good hiding spots,

what places are potential ambush locations and lookout platforms,

where he could stash stuff and etc.

The butler showed him his living quarters.

It was a closet sized room that was entered from a camouflaged door in the wall. The door wasn't very noticeable compared to the grandiose arched door right next to it.

Tapper unintentionally scrunched up his face upon seeing the door.

'That door knob alone can pay for myself and Ink's meat buns for a few months! Rich people…'

After the large mansion tour, the butler sent him back to the place of the head maid.

Tapper walked in the front while the butler walked behind him. Despite the confusing ups and downs as well as twists and turns, he was able to accurately locate the path.

Even the butler was slightly impressed.

Of course, Tapper didn't forget to suck up to the butler.

The butler left in a relatively good mood.

The head maid had left.

In her place was a much younger maid. She was to teach Tapper about how to hold plates as well as serve food.

"The platter is an extension of your arm. Parallel and smooth. Yes, like that. Like that."

Tapper had mumbled under his breath,

"If it were really my arm, I would have chopped it off."

After her lesson, Tapper was rapidly sent to another servant that taught him the way to open doors and greet guests. There was a specific way to greet Lord Wayde since he was the Master.

"Alright hold up your right hand's index and middle finger together. Back straight. Place your left hand properly… PROPERLY behind your back— sigh, like this! Tap those two fingers on your chest LIGHTLY so your clothes avoid wrinkling. Straighten out your fingers. Your elbow is too high! Okay! Bow! Wait… stop staring upwards! Avert your eyes! Watch that elbow!"

That lesson was particularly unbearable. It was also the most important one as well.

What mostly confused Tapper was that till now, no one had asked him for his name.

Neither did anyone offer their own. Any attempts to do ask would be swiftly ignored.

Tapper ran around every day for the next week or so. He could learn very quickly but some things weren't very easy.

Trying to fix his sneaking instincts and posture had been the hardest.

It was also his least favorite lesson. His teacher was such a perfectionist that Tapper's posture was called wrong even when he was only a millimeter off!

His most well liked lessons were his lessons that taught him how to read.

It was like his dreams of school had come true in a sense.

As Tapper lay down in his bed in the small closet like room, he also often thought about Ink and the house that they made in a little crag high above ground in the deeper areas of the AlleyWays.

He worried about how Ink was eating. And how much she must be worried about him.

He must become a trusted person of Lord Wayde so that he would be allowed to go to the AlleyWays to send a message to Ink.

It was going to take a while though.

A few months passed like this with everyday filled with work to be done.

Tapper slowly became more familiar with a servant's attitude and posture. He could soon hold many plates at once.

Not to mention opening doors the right way, bowing, and not getting lost.

Soon enough, a big test was waiting for him.

While Tapper was practicing reading, a maid came for him.

"The Master has asked for your presence."

Slightly nervous, he put down the book and followed the maid. He walked through the large mansion like he usually does and reviewed the necessary information.

'Walk like a stickman. Speak like a crane. Bow until your back screams 'pain, pain, paaaaiiiinnnnn' ~~'

Tapper sang the critical points in his head.

He knocked on the door to the tea room. That was where Lord Wayde was currently at.

"Enter." A familiar voice sounded from within.

Tapper opened the door and stepped in.

Wayde Tourey was sitting on the couch sipping a goblet filled with wine.

It was currently sunset time. The setting sun cast a long shadow of Lord Wayde and his seat across the room otherwise filled with the orange hue of the darkening sky.

It was almost poetic.

It also made Tapper nervous. He still remembered the fate of George. But he had to do what he needed to do to avoid the same fate.

"Greetings, Master!"

Tapper put a generous amount of happiness and enthusiasm into his greetings.

It wasn't the tone he was taught.

Tapper was supposed to sound neutral. But the reason why he was still alive after the alley incident was because Tapper hadn't done what he was 'supposed' to do.

The hand holding the goblet of wine paused as a familiar snort of amusement came again.

"Well… it seems you are still the same. How have you been?"

Tapper had anticipated this question. He knew what he was 'supposed' to answer. But he decided to not do so once more.

"The past few months were quite strange but it's a lot better than the life I had back at the AlleyWays. The food is great. There is shelter and warmth and I got to learn reading! I know that it was really thanks to Master that I have all this today."

Tapper's voice was steady yet enthusiastic. It was the standard flattery voice tone. Tapper had a smooth voice that was pleasing to the ears.

He put on a brilliant and pure smile of gratitude despite the fact that Lord Wayde's back was facing him.

"Thank you very much."

Actually Wayde really could see everything that Tapper did even though he wasn't facing him.

He once again smiled the shark-like smile without Tapper seeing.

Tapper breathing hitched as if he realized something.

He looked up in a slightly panicky manner and said,

"Oops! I mean, thank you for your concern Master. I am well." Tapper recited in the correct neutral tone.

This once again drew out Wayde's amusement.

Tapper wasn't worried about not being able to lie. Since he wasn't lying. It was true that he was grateful for being taught how to read.

Of course, flattery is an art that modifies sand into treasure.

So the way that Tapper spoke in was something like second nature to him. Natural and unsuspicious at all.

The next few moments were filled with silence. Tapper maintained an outlook of gratitude and happiness.

Wayde used his own method to observe Tapper.

He had called Tapper here today because he wanted to check how loyal Tapper would be towards him.

There was a high chance resentment might have been born due to the kidnapping.

If loyalty wasn't present and the boy only felt neutral, then he would have used some psychological guidance to cultivate loyalty in Tapper

But it seems that it was not necessary.

It was an unexpected boon.

As for Tapper's mistake in tone and responses, it could be excused. After all, Wayde had not grabbed him for him to be another numb servant.

He had been interested in Tapper's other aspects.

"Then, I have a special task for you," Wayde said,

"You will become the official personal servant for my son, Roman.

"It will be your assignment to serve him, protect him, and assist him.

"Quitting is not an option.

"Do you wish to accept?"

From behind Wayde, Tapper's voice came out slightly trembling.

"Master… it will be my honor to accept such a task. I promise I will serve him, protect him, and assist him as my role of Young Master Roman's personal servant."

Tapper was overwhelmed with joy.


Actually, Tapper felt like he shot himself in the foot once more.

His voice was trembling.

But it was not in overwhelming joying but in a barely suppressed desire to weep.

'Nobody wants to babysit a spoiled rich child!


'If I end up his servant then any chance of leaving is now null.

'But I have to play the indebted child! Argh. Ink, I'm sorry, wait a while longer!'

The distressed Tapper did not let any of his thoughts show on his face.

It wasn't like he wasn't used to it.

Flattery can be the same as playing a role. If Tapper can flatter, then he can act the part!

At the same time, Tapper remembered that long term lying would be almost impossible to keep.

'Since I am loyal, I have to actually be loyal. There must not be any dangerous thoughts since that will most likely blow my cover.

'So unless there are any Ink related issues, I'll have to truly dedicate myself to serve Wayde Tourey and his son.


'I have to think of them as Master and Young Master.'

Wayde waved his hands.


"Your duty begins tomorrow. The head maid will bring you your list of tasks. Come find me at the same time in three days. I will test you combat capabilities then."

Tapper waved away his thoughts. Throughout this period, his facial expression of happiness and gratitude did not waver at all.

"Yes Master." This time, Tapper recited that in a neutral tone with a higher than normal pitch.

He bowed with his right hand over his chest in the perfect position, manner, and timing.

Until he stumbled...

Then in a hurried manner, Tapper left the room.

The silence once more prevailed. Wayde slowly swirled the wine in his glass.

He lifted up a sheet of paper from the pile nearby. On it were the names of all the known gangs that could be found in AlleyWays.

Large red X's covered the majority of the paper. Some even had the ink splattered near it like drops of blood.

There were still a few names still left uncovered.