Chapter 14


After the Kiss, Knight didn't stick around for me to react. I opened my eye; he was gone. I didn't know what to feel, this wasn't the first day Knight had to kiss me like that. The first day we kissed was when we were 14 at his parent's beach condo, I recall.

Being upset over what Via had said about me — she loved making fun of me at that point.

Knight followed me under the Creek, trying to make me feel better. That was when we shared our initial kiss, after that, we kissed twice after that. When we were both drunk or high. I never thought of it as anything he was in love with Rose, and I was well me. But this kiss felt different, I could sense his emotion. The anger and passion were intense my mouth was still tingling. I had to press my hand against me.

lip after.

"Can't say I'm surprised" I jumped when the voice echos through the pool.

"What the fuck, Adam!" I scream When I see him coming out from

the dark.